Author: Aiman Usman

She is a pharmacy graduate and worked as a hospital pharmacist. Her interests are teaching, blogging, and scientific writings. She likes to write about medicines, health issues, health and beauty-related natural remedies, the nutritional value of different foods, and mental health.

Many women search for superfoods and remedies that are good for menstrual bleeding. Ginger is known to have blood-thinning properties, which may potentially regulate menstrual flow in some women. It is always advisable to consult a gynecologist for personalized advice on managing your irregular periods. Highlights Ginger is an emmenagogue by nature. Including ginger in your diet on a regular basis can help avoid the beginning of menstrual abnormalities. It includes gingerol, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that aid with cramps and boost energy levels in the body. Causes of Irregular Periods The most common causes of irregular periods…

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On a hot summer day, nothing beats a chilled glass of sugarcane juice. But have you ever wondered what the sugarcane juice benefits are? This delectable sugarcane juice is not only delicious and refreshing but also nutritious. Traditional medicine techniques consider it to be healthy. It is not pure sugar, but it does contain water, fibers, and some sucrose. Sugarcane juice has numerous health benefits and is high in essential nutrients that our bodies require. It can help to strengthen bones, boost the immune system, improve digestion, and relieve stress. It is low in fat, cholesterol, fiber, and protein, but…

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Garlic although small in size, is a power-packed vegetable for your daily diet. The garlic cloves are full of antioxidants and chemicals that have a lot of health benefits for both men and women. But if you are searching for garlic benefits for women’s sexually, you are at the right place! Garlic has a distinct taste, flavor, and aroma. It has been used for centuries in different cuisines all over the world. Scientists have proven the benefits of garlic for sexual health of women and men. Eating raw garlic can provide you all the essential nutrients to get maximum benefits…

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Garlic is one of those food ingredients that is present in every kitchen. Garlic can enhance the taste of any cuisine. It not only improves the taste of a delicacy, but it also improves its nutritional value. Garlic, by lowering triglycerides, can help prevent and treat a variety of ailments, including diabetes. Similarly, garlic benefits for men are something that can’t be ignored. Garlic is a native spice of Central Asia and is widely used as a seasoning around the world. Its distinct flavor and aroma make it a flavor enhancer for a variety of dishes around the world, including…

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Jamun (Java plum or Black plum) is one of the most delicious and healthy fruit in summer. As the season of mango starts in South Asia, Jamun also comes in the market. The blackish purple fruit has a lot of health benefits apart from its great taste. Know the jamun benefits in this article, so that you can enjoy this miraculous fruit in this summer season wholeheartedly. Jamun (botanical name Syzygium cumini) has many common names like Malabar plum, black plum, jambolana, etc. It is indigenous to the Pakistan, India and neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka,…

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Summers are always tough for everyone. People usually search for foods and remedies that can help them beat the heat in summer. One of those miraculous gifts of nature is gond katira. Although its use among the  younger generation is very rare, but your grandmother can tell you about this gond. What is Gond Katira? Gond Katira (گونڈ کٹیرا), also known as Tragacanth, is a natural gum derived from the dried sap of several Astragalus legumes native to the Middle East. It is a natural gum made from the dried sap of several Astragalus species. Astragalus Gummifer, which is also its botanical…

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Use of different remedies is common for the beautification of hair and skin. People believe using home remedies and natural products have no side effects. But reality is something different. Every product whether natural or synthetic have some side effects. Same is the case with rice water. If you are using it for your hair, you must know the side effects of rice water on hair! The rice water is thought to be a miracle for hair growth. Women all over the world are sharing their one to two-month stunning results after using various types of rice water prepared according…

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Your hair is the integral part of your personality. Having long shiny and thick hair is like a cherry on the top for your beauty. But unfortunately, now a days due to poor dietary intake and lifestyle choices, having good hair growth is like a dream. In this time of chaos and busy life routine, every one wants to have a short cut to get the better result for health and beauty. Use of biotin for hair growth, is one of those remedies that people use to improve their hair quality and quantity. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is…

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Your eyes are the most sensitive organ of your body that is prone to oxidative stress. So, anti-oxidants are very beneficial for your eyes to protect them. Green tea is a “super-antioxidant” that benefits the entire body, including the eyes, according to a large number of studies. If you want to know benefits of green tea for eyes, read this article till the end. Green tea is a type of tea manufactured from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not been withered and oxidized in the same way that oolong and black teas are. Green tea originated in China,…

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Acupuncture has grown in popularity as an alternative therapy during pregnancy to treat a variety of discomforts in recent years. If you’re pregnant and thinking about trying acupuncture, you might be wondering if it really works—and worried about the potential risks. Many pregnant mothers praise acupuncture for relieving pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and headaches. We will look at the safety, efficacy and benefits of acupuncture in pregnancy in this article Acupuncture is a complementary Chinese medicine discipline that helps to balance the flow of energy (known as chi or qi) in the body. This healing art has been…

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