Initially when much research wasn’t done cardiac diseases were mostly associated with men and if any woman felt symptoms similar to a cardiac disease they get mixed remarks such as, it could be because of anxiety or depression.
However, it is not true. Women tend to get heart attacks too. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a form of heart attack that initiates with a tear in the wall of a normal artery due to which blood flow towards the heart muscles blocks, leading to a heart attack. According to research, SCAD doesn’t cause a large number of heart attacks but its percentage among women is quite worrisome which is 90%. Hence it is definitely a point to ponder.
Symptoms that any Women Should Never Ignore:
Shortness of Breath, Nausea or Lightheadedness:
If a person hasn’t done any vigorous activity and feels shortness of breath for no good reason consistently then it’s time to run to a doctor. More than men women face the symptom of nausea or lightheadedness before a cardiac attack. Marham can help you locate the best cardiologist in Karachi, Lahore and other main cities of Pakistan.
Pain In the Back, Neck or Arms:
Women tend to face this symptom more than men. It can gradually increase in its intensity. A woman might feel stung like feeling in the back, neck, arms or even jaws. This pain is intense enough to wake a person up from a deep sleep.
Excessive Sweating:
When cold sweat breakouts along with shivering, it could be one of the symptoms of a heart attack. It should not be ignored. Excessive sweating could also be due to hormonal imbalances. Book an appointment with the best endocrinologist in Karachi, Lahore or other main cities of Pakistan via Marham and get your hormonal disturbances addressed.
Pain Or Discomfort In Chest:
Chest Pain is one of the most common symptoms but women describe this pain differently than men. They feel their chest to be heavy and full and moreover, it’s not necessary that pain stays on the left side it could be anywhere in the chest.
Women who get tired after small chores or even if they had been resting for long hours and still faces tiredness have a chance of heart problem. To address heart health issues book an appointment with the best cardiologist in Lahore or any other main city of Pakistan via
How To Look After Yourself:
- Exercise for 30 minutes keeps the blood flow smooth hence fewer chances of clotting blood.
- Modification of diet is necessary. One should get a diet chart from a nutritionist. To locate the best nutritionist In Karachi or any other main city use Marham app. You can also book an online consultation through
- Quit smoking right away. It reduces the chances of cardiac arrest.
- Women should try to indulge themselves in activities that help them to stay active and stress-free such as Zumba, Yoga classes, etc.