When your body can’t have enough fluids for normal functioning, it becomes dehydrated. As a result, your blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature begin to change, and so you experience fatigue and weakness. In such a condition, use home remedies for relief.
But, if home remedies won’t work, consult a general physician to restore well-being.
- Over-sweating or frequent urination results in dehydration.
- Juicy edibles and oral rehydrating solutions rehydrate the body.
- For severe hydration, IV fluids must be administered.
Potential Causes
Studies suggest that 60-75% of the human body is water. Fluid levels below this fraction can cause mild, moderate, or severe dehydration. This condition can be caused by several factors, including:
- Over-sweating: Strenuous exercises or climate changes such as intense summers can cause it.
- Frequent urination or fluid loss: Diuresis or frequent urination may occur due to certain health conditions. These include diabetes, urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney stones, anxiety, and digestive problems, especially diarrhea or vomiting.
Other possible causes of dehydration can be certain medications, viz. antidiuretic hormone antagonists, chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, or laxatives.
Recovery Tips
The recommended daily fluid intake for adult men is 3.7 liters (15.5 cups), whereas adult women must take 2.7 liters (11.5 cups). Failure to consume these amounts causes dehydration and deteriorating health. To restore hydration, you can follow these tips:
1. Drink Plenty of Fluids
Dr. Faisal Dar advises: “Even a 1-2% reduction of water levels in your body can posit serious health issues, and in summer, severe dehydration is common and can be fatal”. However, adding these fluids to your regular consumption can help promote rehydration:
- Fresh juice: Fruit juices like watermelon, orange, or coconut are highly hydrating. Similarly, vegetable juice made from celery, cucumber, or lettuce provides high water content to a dehydrated body.
- Dairy drinks: Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance cause poor thermoregulation and impaired muscle performance. Thus, proper rehydration with a solution containing electrolytes, carbohydrates, and proteins can prevent the side effects of dehydration. Milk and yogurt contain appropriate nutritious content and can be used as an alternative to expensive commercially available drinks for rehydration.
- Broth and Soups: Sodium is an abundant and cosmetically superactive ion in the extracellular space. It helps the body hold onto the stored fluids. Meat broth and chicken soup are good sources of electrolytes like sodium, thus encouraging hydration.
- Sports Drink: The water-soluble vitamins and minerals in these drinks regulate electrolytes in the dehydrated body.
It is important to choose fluids that suit individual needs. Book an online consultation with an experienced doctor to cure excessive dehydration symptoms.
2. Use Oral Rehydration Solutions
Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) are special solutions that contain water content, and essential salts mixed with sugars. These solutions promote hydration in the following ways:
- Provide essential nutrients: An ORS provides electrolytes that restore the balance of minerals. This increases hydration levels and maintains overall fluid balance.
- Fluid retention: ORS contents create a concentration gradient in your intestine, promoting fluid retention in the bloodstream.
People belonging to different age groups, including infants, children, and adults, can use ORS to address dehydration caused by various factors such as diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating.
3. Eat Juicy Edibles
Juicy edibles, such as fruits and vegetables with high water content, promote hydration in the following ways:
- Satiety: Succulent edibles, particularly fruits like apples and bananas, contain fiber that promotes satiety, leading to increased fluid intake and reduced food consumption.
- Oral stimulation: Chewing such foods stimulate saliva production. This reduces oral dryness caused by dehydration.
Adding juicy edibles like pineapples, kiwis, tomatoes, apples, and plums promotes hydration and protects the body against free radical damage, preventing chronic health conditions.
4. Try IV Fluids
Severe dehydration, primarily caused by excessive fluid loss may require IV fluids to restore fluid balance. These fluids are administered into your bloodstream via a vein.
- Volume expansion: IV fluids increase blood circulation and improve blood flow to vital organs and tissues. Thus, it restores overall hydration by providing a larger volume of fluids in a short time.
- Replenish Nutrient: Intravenous solution also contains vital nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, or amino acids to address nutritional deficiencies and support rehydration.
Depending on the patient’s specific requirements, healthcare professionals may adjust the composition of the IV solution by incorporating electrolytes. Vitamins or minerals are also included to address specific deficiencies or medical conditions.
Preventive Measures
To reduce the risk of dehydration, be mindful and take these preventive measures:
- Drink water throughout the day, especially during hot weather or strenuous exercises.
- Record your fluid intake and ensure enough fluid consumption for normal body functioning. This is particularly important during periods of increased sweating or when experiencing illness.
- Caffeinated beverages can contribute to dehydration. Therefore, avoid these beverages or replace them with fruit juices or healthy hydrating fluids
- Consume foods with high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. These can contribute to your overall hydration levels.
- Take precautions in hot and dry environments. Seek shade, wear appropriate clothing, and use protective measures like hats and sunscreen to prevent excessive fluid loss through sweating.
- Learn to recognize the early signs of dehydration. Take prompt action to rehydrate if you experience dehydration.
1. How long does it take you to recover from dehydration?
The recovery time from dehydration depends on the severity and individual factors. Mild cases can recover within two to three hours, while severe cases may require longer recovery periods with medical intervention.
2. Should you take ORS with diarrhea and vomiting symptoms?
Taking Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) when experiencing diarrhea and vomiting symptoms is suggested. It helps replenish lost fluids and electrolytes due to these conditions, helping prevent dehydration.