It has been a while I’ve seen my loved ones, in person. Video calls and virtual presence is nowhere near to what a physical presence is. I just can not wait to see them, but the question is, when?. Since the beginning of this pandemic, all that we’ve been thinking about is the vaccine. It has been a while that we’re waiting to get back to our routine and that is only possible when we get a vaccine.
There is an experimental COVID19 vaccine being prepared by biotech company Moderna. This vaccine sparked a positive immune response against COVID19 and is found safe in the first 45 people who received it.
Reports The New England Journal of Medicine.
The vaccine which is prepared by Moderna was the first COVID vaccine that was tested in humans. It was reported that the large phase 3 of this vaccine is beginning on July 27th and it would be tested on 30,000. Half of them will be the control group, getting the placebo. The purpose of this trial is to prove that the people who were vaccinated are significantly less likely to contract the virus than those who got a placebo.
The Test Results
The results are extracted from the earlier two phases of this trial, where the participants were given low to comparatively high dosages in both phases. The participants were 45 healthy adults that were aged from 18 to 55 years and received the two vaccinations 28 days apart.
After they received the second shot, all of them developed neutralizing antibodies and they are able to inactivate the virus in lab tests. The levels of the antibodies found in the vaccinated participants are more or less the same as those that were recently recovered from COVID19. The vaccination has said to also produce a favorable response that involves T-cells which is another part of our immune system.
Possible Side Effects
Participants who were injected with the COVID vaccine were also observed if they suffered any side effects. More than half of them had side effects that included fatigue, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and pain at the place they were injected at. Moreover, some people also had a fever. But in any case, none of these side effects were serious.
According to healthcare professionals, these side effects are were a “small price to pay” for the protection we are getting against this fatal disease.
News Courtesy:
A Word From Marham
If you do not want to leave your house and still want to talk to a doctor about any concern i.e disinfection, you can do it by staying at your home as well. offers online video consultations, a service that can connect you to your doctor through your mobile only. Furthermore, if you want to ask any questions for free, you can use Marham forum and get free answers from the doctors themselves.
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