Hair fall is one of the most common problems that is faced by men and women in our society. The reasons for it differ from person to person, however, lifestyle problems, pollution levels, genetics, medications, lack of minerals are the major causes that lead to receding hairlines.
If you’re wondering how you can prevent hair loss and grow your hair fast, we have some useful tips for you. You can also book an appointment with the best dermatologist in Lahore or any other city of Pakistan via and get treatment for hair fall.
Here are five best tips that can help you prevent hair fall:
Keep Hair Clean
You should wash your hair daily or every alternate day depending on what’s your daily outdoor activity. To prevent hair loss, you can use a chemical free, protein-rich shampoo. It will not only keep your hair clean but it also restores the damaged hair and stimulates hair growth.
Scalp massage with essential oils
While we all want beautiful long hair, essential oils like rosemary and sandalwood in combination with coconut or olive oil greatly help in eliciting new hair growth. You can try out this mixture every alternate day followed by a hair bath with a chemical free shampoo.
Stay Chemical free
Chemical hair treatments can disrupt the inner bonds of the hair strands which leads to chemical-related hair loss. Also, the long-term use of unsuitable hair products deeply weakens hair roots which ultimately contributes to damaged hair. Therefore, it is important that you use chemical free and natural products to strengthen your hair and prevent to prevent hair fall. You should always buy hair products after you have consulted with a skin specialist.
Lifestyle changes
Another important aspect is making the lifestyle changes, like consuming of a diet rich in proteins and vitamins with the right amount of exercise that can help fight tension and stress. This will not only help in reducing hair loss but also help regrow new hair. Also, make it a habit to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily and cut down on smoking.
Keep your hair sweat free
In the summer months, it can be traumatizing for your hair and particularly for men who wear helmets and are prone to hair fall that caused by sweat that accumulates in the pores and ultimately leading to weakening of hair roots. This also leads to Dandruff which is one of the biggest common reasons for hair fall. For problems related to hair fall, you can easily book an appointment with the best dermatologist in Multan or any other city of Pakistan via