Many women in Pakistan feel embarrassed discussing their pelvic pain after childbirth, or any pelvic issues in general or they may be thinking that this is totally normal for one after delivering a baby. But, they shouldn’t be, because pelvic issues affect many women and men & there is a good news for all of them facing pelvic issues, there is a treatment for a wide variety of pelvic issues, which is known as pelvic floor therapy or Neotonus Chair Therapy.
“Hameedah Memorial Hospital” is the only hospital in Lahore offering this therapy. So, what are you waiting for, book your online appointment & just sit & relax on the most comfortable magnetic pelvic therapy chair here in your city!
Read on to learn everything that you wish to know about pelvic floor therapy, including what it is, who it affects and how it can help you!
This technology produces highly focused pulsing fields. You simply sit fully clothed in a comfortable NeoControl Chair, allowing the therapeutic fields to be easily aimed at your pelvic floor muscles which control both urinary and fecal continence. These muscles contract and relax with each magnetic pulse & you will be able to feel your pelvic floor muscles contracting.
What is Magnetic Pelvic Therapy Chair?
“This therapy is equivalent to doing hundreds of intensive pelvic floor exercises with each visit”
The Magnetic Pelvic Therapy Chair is a non-surgical therapy for the treatment of Incontinence including stress Incontinence, Urge Incontinence and mixed incontinence in men and women.
There is a variety of factors involved, that can lead to pelvic floor weakness, which may be the reason for reduced sensation and function of the nerve endings and can cause stress incontinence. Age in addition to a decrease in physical activity can lower down muscle strength causing incontinence, urgency, and frequency. This weakness in the pelvic muscles may result in further complications with both bladder and rectal support.
The “Neotonus Chair” is an effective, painless and non-invasive treatment method of urinary incontinence. It functioned by boosting and increasing support to the urethra and urinary control through active exercise of the muscles. The ‘NeoControl’ system performs the exercises for the patient in completely different and effective manner to rebuild pelvic floor strength, durability, and endurance, helping to restore bladder control, while the patient sits fully clothed in a very comfortable chair. No active participation by the patient is required & nothing touches the patient.
Do Aware yourself about Magnetic Pelvic Therapy Chair By Dr. Shabnam Muhammad Ali
“You do not need to use any specific thing or do boring exercises that will waste your energy like Kegel exercises, which involves your joint & exerts pressure on your pelvic area. This way of treatment is very effective for everyone especially, for women having to post pregnancy pelvic pains & as many, reported that after having Chair treatment they had comparatively fewer hospital visits & had less dose of expensive medications with those who do not opt for this method.”
The maximum outcome can be accomplished just after 20 sessions. This therapy chair is a must for incontinence after radical prostatectomy. Pelvic Therapy chair has long-term benefits, which is dependent on your willingness to change your behavioral habits like diet, weight loss, medications, exercise, etc.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence is under-diagnosed & under-reported. Patients with urinary incontinence often endure this condition for 6-9 years before seeking medical therapy. Urine incontinence is divided into below sub-types.
1. Stress Incontinence
Stress incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine during exercise, coughing or sneezing, laughing, lifting or climbing stairs. This affects women of all ages. It is most frequent in women after their menopause
Also Read: 3 Methods to Treat Urinary Incontinence in Males
2. Urge Incontinence [Overactive bladder]
It is the bladder dysfunction, where the need to drained is so sudden that loss of urine occurs before the patient makes it to the toilet. It occurs typically in old women after their climacteric phase, but rarely in young women too. In most cases reported, there is no apparent cause.
3. Mixed Incontinence
Mixed Incontinence have two types,
Overflow Incontinence
This Incontinence can occur after surgery or an accident. The urge to empty bladder is not there when the bladder is full. The bladder simply overflows with a small urine leakage.
Reflex Incontinence
Reflex incontinence rarely occurs in women after their vaginal delivery or climacteric phase.
“A program of between 16-20 subsequent sessions is normally prescribed by the doctor. Results may vary from patient to patient depending on his condition. Symptoms of ‘urgency’ are often lower down after the 2nd or 3rd treatment session. An improvement in ‘stress incontinence’ can be seen by the 8th treatment, and in most cases, a patient will see improvements by completion of the 20-minute course of 16-20 treatments. Patients affected with urge symptoms are most likely to show a significant improvement.”
“MARHAM” would like to draw your attention to this innovative & an excellent latest technology offering incontinence treatment, introduced by ‘Hameedah Memorial Hospital’ at Lahore into their practices. Visit and book your appointment online today with Marham.