Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Are you aware that our homes can have three to five times more pollutants than outside? You could be living in a sick house and not realize it because most of its bad effects are silent and appear after a long time. But your wall paint whatever its quality is, your furniture polish, gas of refrigerator and chemicals of your cosmetics give rise to volatile organic compounds which are notorious for causing serious medical ailments from allergy to cancer. Be calm, you do not have to leave your house. Just add these indoor plants to breathe in fresh air. Also…

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Are you a mother of a grown-up child and suffering difficulty in the cultivation of good eating habits in your kid? It’s really good that you are trying to fulfill your duty as these habits, either good or bad, will stay with him for lifelong. We are with you in this struggle so here are some advises for you to develop good eating manners in your kid. Invite to Sit Together: If you insist young kids to sit with the family even if they are not ready to eat solid food or refusing to eat, they’ll start to learn the rules…

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Diabetes comes once and stays forever. The sufferer has no option but learns to live with it. Lifestyle changes and strict diet plan make the situation little easier but in case of bad circumstances if you are not prepared to handle life may not give you any second chance. So if you or some beloved one is the victim of diabetes be ready to handle the bolt from the blue. Emergencies of Diabetic Patients: Diabetes patients take insulin to lowers the high sugar level. But sometimes it decreases to a dangerous level which leads to a critical situation. Among diabetic…

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At the age of 8 years, permanent teeth come but these are not the last one to come. Have you forgotten about wisdom teeth? They usually come in when you’re older, around 17 to 21. These teeth are in the very back of your mouth and actually are molars, your toughest, widest teeth that grind food. But some people don’t have all their wisdom teeth. They’re the ones most commonly missing from adult mouths. You’re more likely to have issues with these molars than with any other teeth. Each year, some 10 million wisdom teeth are removed around the globe.…

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Sometimes during your battle against your body fats and even after avoiding sugary foods, cakes, pastries, and potatoes, your weight machine is not giving your dream numbers. You need to figure out some other culprits. Here we have listed some, you only have to avoid these to win the battle against stubborn body fats. Frozen Meals: Frozen meals are super-convenient, cheap, and easy to throw in your bag to keep with you as lunch. But it is not a waist-friendly option. Most frozen meals are loaded with sodium and lots of other synthetic additives. Besides high blood pressure, for managing…

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Iodine is an essential mineral which thyroid gland uses to make thyroid hormones, which helps to control growth, repair damaged cells and support a healthy metabolism. Unfortunately, a lot of people worldwide are the victim of iodine deficiency. Maybe you are among them and if you are not using iodized salt, follow a vegetarian diet or pregnant you are more prone to be iodine deficiency. To know each bit about this deficiency keep reading. Symptoms: To track the deficiency of iodine is not a difficult task as it manifests a vast number of signs and symptoms which may vary according…

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Are you ready to go on your bed after completing the whole day work? That is really a happy moment but wait a minute are you really ready to go to sleep? Go through from following points maybe you are missing something. Showering: You might not feel like bathing at night after a long, exhausting day, but it’s not a healthy idea to hit your pillow with all dirt and germs. Only showering before going to bed will save your time in the morning, rinse away any allergens, like pollen and dust. This also ensures you a good quality sleep…

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Are you taking some birth control pills or just thinking to start? Maybe your mind is filled with some myths about this mode of birth control. Do not be perplexed anymore. Read on to get the right answer. How Do I Start Birth Control Pills? Many women consider it is not a worthy point and start taking birth control pills on their own. Never do this mistake. Ask your doctor when you should start birth control pills to avoid any mishap. Find and consult with the best gynecologist in Karachi, Lahore and all other main cities of Pakistan via…

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The burn is that medical injury which needs immediate action to reduce the danger. Most of the times little incident turn into a dangerous one just because of negligence or unawareness. Here we are to help you. Following tips will help you to overcome burning and related hazards. Be Immediate: Fire can make you nervous but you need to keep calm, be strong headed and immediately try to stop the fire. It will reduce the damage and can save a life. To reduce the damage you should do following things quickly; Related: How to start First Aid Activity after Road Accident?…

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Slowed metabolism means you are not digesting food on proper time which will end up at nutritional deficiency and high values at weight telling machine. You want to avoid that and also have not enough time for regular exercise? Try these things. Take Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Omega-3 fatty acids help to amp up metabolism as they balance blood sugar, reduce inflammation, reduce resistance to the hormone leptin, which is linked to fat burning. All factors collectively work to boost up the metabolism naturally. Omega 3 fats also help to maintain good brain and heart health. If you are battling with some…

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