Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Do you know there is a type of heart attack called SILENT HEART ATTACK? A silent heart attack can happen to anyone, but diabetes makes you more likely to have one. You might not feel any symptom or you could feel a mild one, like heartburn. It seems so minor that you just shrug it off but a heart attack is a really serious business, whether you have symptoms or not. That makes it really important to keep up with all your regular checkups. You should find and consult with the best heart specialist in Islamabad, Karachi or other cities…

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Radiology has proved its tremendous benefits in almost every field of medicine to diagnose and even to treat different kinds of diseases. Dentistry also finds radiology techniques to be a great help in detecting and solving all dental and oral health issues. Here are listed some wonderful techniques of radiology which are used vigorously in the field of dentistry. X-ray Radiography: In common words, dental radiographs are termed as X-rays. Dentistry professionals may use radiographs for various reasons like; To check malignant or benign masses To estimate a bone loss To observe cavities If you have any dental issue dental radiographs…

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Rheumatoid nodules are characterized by local swelling or formation of tissue lump, mostly at sites like joints of hands, fingers, knuckles, and elbow or some internal organs. It is hard when touched, like an unripe fruit. It occurs mostly in association with rheumatoid arthritis but sometimes happens in the absence of arthritis and termed as rheumatoid nodulosis. You know what is the reason behind their formation? Here we are writing about it, read it to control rheumatoid nodules. Causes: Mostly these hard lumps are formed associated with rheumatoid arthritis but not always. Some other causes of these nodules are: Also Read: 12 Lifestyle…

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Down syndrome is a genetic disorder based on an abnormal cellular division, leading to extra genetic material from chromosome 21 resulting in 47 chromosomes instead of normal 46. This one extra set of a chromosome can make your kid suffer from a combination of abnormalities right from the birth. So, you really need to know all about it and this article will fulfill the purpose. Physical Abnormalities: Down syndrome sufferer has one extra chromosome and this gives him a bit different physical appearance from an average child. Here, are some common physical differences listed which are manifested by a child…

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Scar development is an inevitable happening of the wound healing process in which the normal healthy skin is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. Poor healing may be the reason for the formation of the scar. But it can also happen if the wound heals well. Scars affect the beautiful appearance of healthy skin as they are noticeable due to their color, size, and shape. But the good news is that they can be reversed to get the smoother appearance of the normal skin. Want to know about it? Readout following lines. Scar Reversion Methods: Wounds heal sooner or later but…

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When you think about your skin, you may think multiple products, medication, and treatments to get the best possible skin results. But what about your hair? The hair on your head loses fullness and elasticity as it ages, or just due to harsh environmental effects just like your skin. New hair products marketed as Botox for hair are specially designed to help fill the hair, make it smooth, and reduce frizz. Hair Botox is actually a wonder-treatment which works to solve all hair problems. But be sure to get this treatment done under professional care. You can book an appointment…

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When you are suffering from asthma there are certain MUST-DOs to keep this disease in a dormant condition. Routine checkups, regular peak flow monitoring, following the asthma action plan and avoiding triggers that cause asthma are required measures to control asthma. However, asthma does flare up anytime without warning and symptoms can be worsening to take out the breath. What to Do When Symptoms Worsen? Symptoms of asthma can vary in different individuals and in different situations. To effectively track the symptoms and act accordingly, do not hit the bushes, you only need to develop a clear asthma action plan with the…

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Cancer, the deadly disorder and is still considered as an unsolved question. One reason for it’s a wide occurrence is a large number of carcinogens, the causative agents of cancer. Many are the items we use on daily basis; no we are not talking about bug spray, weed killers or cleaning agents. Yes, they are but many others culprits are also there. Want to know? Here they are. Curtains and Carpets: Soft surfaces of curtains and carpet are the best shelter for smoke chemicals which come from outside. The tiny carcinogens of smoke reside there even long after the smell…

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When it comes to cancer types that mainly attack women, breast cancer gets a lot of buzzes and everyone forgets about ovarian cancer which takes the life of 40 women each day worldwide. To stop this monstrous ailment it’s important to tune in to the signs of ovarian cancer but unfortunately, most women wouldn’t recognize major red flags of ovarian cancer or just ignore them. Here we are mentioning all. Primary Symptoms: It is generally considered that women are more likely to have symptoms if the disease has spread beyond the ovaries, but even at early- stage ovarian cancer manifest some…

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People become addicted to many different kinds of substances and end up seeking help from addiction treatment centers. Painkillers are one of those. If a person never comes out of pain without a painkiller, or always think that he should take the pill to avoid pain even if there is no pain than he is addicted. Want to be safe? Here are some ways to use these pills safely to minimize the risk of addiction. Follow your Doctor’s Orders: One of the best ways to avoid becoming addicted to prescribed painkillers is to follow a doctor’s orders. People should only…

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