Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

A headache is a strange companion which can come to meet you anywhere anytime. Sometimes you are at a place where to take medicine is not possible or you forget to take medicine with you while visiting some friends place. No need to worry you can kick out your firing headache without medicine. Some severe cases of a headache may require attention from your family physician. To find a general practitioner in Rawalpindi or any other main city of Pakistan visit Marham. Just take a look at following amazing foods and remedies. Stay Hydrated: The most potent drug against your…

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Confidence is not just a word, my friend, it is a jewel which beautifies and adds special charm to the personality of the wearer. You are fortunate enough if you are blessed with it and if you are deprived of it than it’s the time to build it. Yes, it can be gained by your efforts. See following points, these will help you to stand confidently in front of the community either during a class presentation, in an interview or to convince someone for a specific point. Know Yourself: Make an analytic note about you and write down your strengths…

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Modern world says a warm welcome to you with noisy sounds. If you are not a resident of some rural area nor lived under an ancient rock than you must have been experiencing noise pollution. Have you ever thought that how the surrounding noise can affect your health and specifically hearing? Read on to know more about the effects of noise pollution. Safe and Unsafe Sounds: In daily routine, you experience a lot of sounds like the those of television and music, household appliances, and traffic. Some sounds are friendly to your ears but some are really damaging. Sounds become harmful…

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Nuts are a hot favorite across the world especially during winters, Here we have a reason why you should be indulging in this treat every now and then around the year. These are natural guards of your heart health. Nuts are natural reservoirs of nutrients, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, plant sterols and beneficial amino acids like arginine. All these ingredients greatly protect your heart health and reduce the risk of deadly heart and arteries problem. If you are suffering from any heart-related issues don’t forget to book an appointment with a heart specialist. To find a heart specialist in Lahore…

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Love is the most sacred and precious emotion on this human planet and being loved is the most delightful feeling indeed. Life is ultimately beautiful and blessed by the presence of loved ones around. But sometimes life turned off the blessing switch and some mishap take away your beloved from you in form of death or you are destined to stay distant from your lifelines in the same universe. It is more than heart rendering. Grief is just not a word now but a feeling which surrounds you awfully. It is natural to come across the feeling of deep sorrow…

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Are you experiencing chest pain, discomfort, pressure or squeezing in the chest and severe pain in shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back? A positive answer may indicate angina because your heart muscle failed to get enough oxygen-rich blood. You know angina is not a disease on its own but a symptom of an underlying heart problem like coronary artery disease. It may attack in different forms like: Stable angina in which chest pain occurs only during exercise and hard physical activity Unstable angina where chest pain occurs even when at rest Variant and microvascular angina; this may occur at any…

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Cholesterol is a waxy material naturally occurring in the body and work positively to regulate many essential body functions. The problem occurs when its level increases above a normal range of 200. High cholesterol level is a commonly occurring condition to the extent that it’s really alarming for the community. Keep a close look at your cholesterol numbers to stay healthy. Why Cholesterol Level Goes Up? The cholesterol level remains in range until you do follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. To design you a diet that controls your cholesterol and keeps it in a healthy range, a nutritionist can…

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Each part of the body is at an appropriate location to perform its function. One important part of human body is ears which function as the hearing instrument. But these hearing devices also provides a plethora of clues about the health issues. So closely listen these hearing devices to get to know about yourself and your health status. Here are few indications that your ears may show indicating something is wrong somewhere. Have a look: Structure of Ear Crease: A diagonal earlobe crease is considered as a potential indicator of coronary artery disease. To find and consult a heart specialist…

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21st century made the life such fast that humans became more like a machine. They work enthusiastically but forgot about the maintenance of health. In result, many serious medical complications are roaming the planet. Blood pressure problem is one of them. Now Very few people are fortunate enough having blood pressure within the normal range of 70/180 mmHg. Others are victims of elevated or lowered blood pressure. The abnormal types of blood pressure surely are not a friend of human and invite other health problems like chronic artery disease, heart problem, heart attack, paralysis, stroke and brain damage. So do…

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Coronary artery disease is the condition of narrowing or blockage in blood vessels. It develops when the plaque builds up in the blood vessels which supply blood, oxygen, and nutrient to the heart and hinders the normal supply of these vessels. This condition develops slowly and may lead to serious medical complications even the heart attack. Here, have a closer look at different aspects of this abnormality to keep yourself away from its black shadow. To find and consult a heart specialist/cardiologist in Lahore visit Marham. Symptoms As this abnormality builds up slowly so the person can diagnose it by its…

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