Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

You are going to visit someone who is admitted to the hospital due to illness o some bad happening. It’s really good to consider it to console him and his suffering family. But have you ever thought that spending time and money in this regard is not enough, this visit needs some ethics too. Read following words these will make your visit pleasant and worthwhile. Take Some FLowers and Fruits With You: Take some fresh fruits or flowers along. It will convey goodwill and most needed nutrients as well. Make sure whatever you take along is in neat and tidy packaging. Avoid…

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Are you sharing your bed with the partner who snores? Is the harsh sound making you restless? Here is a good news! Have a look at following words to solve this problem. What is the Reason for Snoring? The unpleasant sound of snoring is usually produced when the person is suffering from any of the following complications; Throat weakness which causes the closure of throat during sleep. Mispositioned jaw or any other deformation of jaw structure  Extra body fats have a tendency to accumulate in the throat and make breathing difficulties during sleep. Obstruction of the nasal passage. Use of…

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The cool winds of the winter are here. Each blow of the cool wind can be dangerous for yours and your family health. But the good precautions and preparations can help you enjoy the season and save you from any bad happening of the season. Take a serious look at these points and adapt to stay safe in cold. Get Ready your House: People first preference during winter is to stay at home. So, take a look around your home and prepare it well for winter. If possible install weather insulation, and storm windows. Properly clean out gutters and pipelines. If…

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Hunger and cravings for some delicious snack make you helpless and you end up eating more. This extra chunk of food can end up making you look somewhat like a Humpty Dumpty. We know to get rid of these cravings without the crisp of the snack is really difficult. But you can avoid health risks of taking extra bites by choosing the healthier snacks. Take help by following healthy snacks in this regard. Mixed Nuts: Mixed nuts are amazing snacks to satisfy your cravings. Nuts are enriched with fiber and healthy protein with least calories. Some extra chunks of little nuts…

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The high rated news about national and international politics, ever-changing inter-countries relation and hot celebrities always circulate and get the attraction of viewers. Here is some interesting health news of the year 2017. Read them not only to enjoy but also to think where we are standing and which improvements we need regarding health. Life-Threatening Viruses During the year infectious diseases due to parasite attack like Zika, Congo, dengue and respiratory problems keep threatening the lives of humans. To find a specialist who deals in respiratory issues log on to Marham and find the best pulmonologist in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and…

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The night is to take rest for refreshing the body and brain to combat next day challenges. And if this refreshing act gets disturbed than how can you manage another day? If you are struggling for good sleep than before using sleeping pills try following natural tranquilizers. Cherries: This little red fruit is a natural reservoir of melatonin; the sleep-inducing chemical. Studies revealed that sipping cherry juice improves the sleep duration and quality and even cures chronic insomnia. So add these tiny fruits in your night meal to fall asleep soon. Milk: It is not an old wives’ tale that drinking milk…

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Each passing birthday of you not only gives you best wishes of close one but the wrinkles and worse happening of aging. No one wants to have ugly looks of aging. Alexander, the great was also in search of water for eternity to stay young. He did not succeed in his attempt but here are some foods which will keep you young. Water: Enough water consumption eliminates oxidants which are a culprit of aging hallmarks like wrinkles, joint pain, and memory loss. So consume plenty of water and eat foods having a high content of water like watermelon, oranges and…

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Your family and friends are complaining you about your busy work schedule? You yourself are tired of your tough working schedule which doesn’t allow you to take a break. Is your child not happy with his pocket money? Do not worry at all. Have a look at following words these will help you to maintain a proper balance in your work and life. Set your Priorities: Number your dreams and wanted things in life. Achieve them one by one and not try to overburden yourself. If you are a day-dreamer and get stuck in too much of thinking you might…

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Your kid is not interested in reading and you are perplexed about it. Try these little hacks to make your little world a big fan of reading. Be a Role Model: Kids take the cues from their elders. So be their model in every aspect, they love copying you. Read good books to inspire your child or say his elder siblings to study in front of him. This will keep the little one to come close to books. Give Him Books at Younger Age: You buy toys for your beloved child from his first birthday and after 5th birthday you want…

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You love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and still destined to take these natural blessings from the market. But do you know you spend not only to buy veggies and fruits but also a pile of hazardous chemicals in the name of fertilizers that spoil all the goodness in your favorite fruit or vegetable? Stop wasting your money on spoiled natural foods use your own hands and a small area of your home to grow your own food it will save your money and health. Kitchen Garden will Provide Healthy Food: The food which you grow for yourself and…

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