Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Winters, the cold season always frighten mothers and they try to cover up specifically babies into layers and layers to protect from cold. It is necessary to keep kids warm but over covering can be dangerous even lethal. Yes, it is true, over covering can leads to cot death in winters. Read following words to know how it happens? Under Developed Thermoregulation : Little ones do not have a properly developed system of thermoregulation. They cannot regulate little changes of temperature and heat accurately. So little but immediate change in temperature may be dangerous for them and can cause sudden death.…

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Red, itching and inflamed skin rashes causing discomfort and negatively affect your beauty.  There can be many reasons including weather and allergies. To fight against these rashes try these home remedies. If condition worsens you can find and consult a skin specialist to get specific treatment. You can locate top skin specialist in Karachi, Lahore and all other main cities of Pakistan using Cold Compress: A cold compress really works against rashes, especially caused by heat, insect bites, poison ivy and shingles. It decreases the swelling and itching to provide immediate comfort. Ice cubes wrapped in a cloth can be…

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Restaurant dishes are well presented and appetizing enough that most people are unable to resist. But this special food is not only grabbing your precious money but also affecting your health. You think it is just a myth? Not really! Restaurant food is named as junk due to authentic reasons. Some are listed here for you. Cleanliness is a Big Question Mark: Behind the doors of a restaurant kitchen, nobody knows how much they take care the cleanliness during the cooking. Is the meat and vegetables properly washed? What about the utensils which are used in cooking? These vegetables and…

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Constipation is one of the most commonly occurring gastric troubles.This not only cause severe abdominal pain, bloating and feeling of fullness but also makes your skin dull. To consult the best skin specialist in Lahore visit Marham. Why are you suffering in silence? Just try following things and keep constipation at bay. Things to Adopt: You have to add following things to your daily routine to avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water. Take fresh juices of seasonal fruits in breakfast. Add good quality yogurt to your breakfast. Eat high fiber diets like nuts, beans, whole grain bread, and popcorn. Eat…

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Obesity or increased body weight, and waistline is the main hurdle in your happy active life. Your big belly is really a big culprit spoiling your impression and social life. Have you become a symbol of overweight and unhealthy eating patterns in your social circle? As friends get together they pinpoint your round belly. And the most grave of all is this evil body fat hinders you to find a dream life partner. People around you are just enjoying their life and you are seeing them with bitten hurt. Reason? Stubborn body fats which agreed not to leave you even…

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A clean tidy house is vital for residents’ health. But mostly cleaners which are used for cleaning are hazardous themselves. If you accidentally pour any chemical on your skin or eyes consult a physician right away. To find family physicians in Islamabad visit Marham-Find a doctor. To stay safe, just forget about those chemicals and start using natural cleaning agents to clean the house safely. Natural Cleaners: Here are some natural cleaners listed which you can use by mixing with each other. White vinegar Natural salt Baking soda Borax Washing soda Hydrogen peroxide Lemons These ingredients can combine to make natural…

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Modern scientific technology shows its miracles with every sunrise to serve the humanity. One big step of this is the replacement surgeries which aimed to replace the defective structure of the human body with the new one. Many organs and almost all joints can be replaced by this surgical approach. The hip joint is also replaced by replacement surgery techniques and this article is specially written to cover its major aspects. There are certain setups in Pakistan that are carrying out these specialized procedures successfully. Among these Masood Hospital, Lahore is one of the prominent names with 25 years of…

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Every parent wants to be the best parent ever. But to make it really happen is quite a tough job as there is no specific criteria to judge or measure parenting. Your parenting gets the unsaid words. But if you are not doing your obligation in a right way your child will suffer eventually. So hold on for a minute check these things followed by experienced parents to get the answer to the question that are you good enough or is there anything that needs attention? You Have Learned to Hold Your Words: Before you train your little ones it…

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Do you know the person shouting out loud in anger is a major sufferer of his own temper? When you get furious your catecholamine level elevates. High catecholamine level makes your blood pressure high and puts your heart and brain at risk. It may also happen one day that during your burst up your body gets paralyzed suddenly or you may have a heart attack. Book an appointment with a heart specialist in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad and undergo a complete check-up to avoid any unpleasant accident of this sort. Read following words and try these little things to avoid getting…

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Most people think that chocolate has dark effects on health as its color. If you are one of them than probably you are a bit misinformed. The good quality dark chocolate is quite beneficial. After reading the following words you will surely change your mind about dark chocolate. Dark Chocolate is Nutritious: Amazed by reading this? But it is a fact. If you have a quality dark chocolate containing a high cocoa content than you have a reservoir of nutrients, minerals and soluble fiber in your hand. Read Also: Why Having Coffee Is Good For You While You Are on a…

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