Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Are you unable to keep yourself calm and stable when it comes to some special event or your hands start shivering in front of others or you experienced the feeling of fear and panic quite often? Maybe its something more than lack of confidence and you are suffering from anxiety. Accepting it is the first step to overcoming anxiety. Accept it first and then start a battle against it. Try following tips these will surely defeat your anxiety. Manage the Things: Mismanagement is the real root of anxiety. Manage your office or school work, keep your room organized, control your finances…

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Green leaves of peppermint are not only to use as a condiment in foods but has many health benefits as well. Readout following words to know the wonders of this green herb. Improves Digestion: Green leaves are excellent to get rid of digestive problems. Indigestion, gas, heartburn, stomach aches or vomiting can be cured by mint tea or mint juice. Cure Acne and Rashes: Severe and itching acne or rashes are accurately calmed by green soothing leaves of peppermint. Acne is a serious problem that sometimes does not respond to home remedies. To consult top skin specialist in Karachi or…

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You got frightened by newspaper headings of street crimes and avoid going outside alone in certain timings. Its good to have some safety measures but here are some others which may help you out in emergency situations. Stay Aware: With friends or alone, if you are outside, stay aware about your surrounding persons and their actions. If you see any suspicious person around you contact with emergency help centers or police immediately. Always keep emergency numbers at hand. Be a Tough Target: The snatchers like to choose a weak or less resistive target. So pose like the tough one even…

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Aging is a natural process but it comes with some unpleasant signs like wrinkles, joint pains, and malfunctioning of almost every organ. Aging cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. Indeed, you can enjoy more years of youth by just doing these simple things. In case you are suffering from joint aches and arthritis due to old age,  and don’t want to travel miles just to get an appointment, you can easily book an appointment online with the best orthopedic doctor in Karachi, Lahore and all other main cities of Pakistan via Marham. Stay Hydrated: The very basic but…

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Many deaths are still engulfing the ladies after the one year of giving birth only due to negligence. For proper care of new mothers, appropriate guidelines from a gynecologist are required. If you or anyone in your family is at this stage of life you can take appointment from a gynecologist. To consult a gynecologist in Lahore, Karachi or any other main cities of Pakistan visit Marham. Following things should be kept in mind to care for the mother after giving birth. Rest: A new mother is not sick but she is not in a very good condition to start…

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You are in the battle of quitting smoking and failed many times. It might be tough but continuous efforts and support from your family and friends can make it possible. Sometimes you may need additional help from a doctor to keep you on track. So do not hesitate and consult with your family physician right away. Marham is here to help you as well. You can ask us about any issue on our forum or book an appointment with family physicians in Islamabad, Rawalpindi or any other main city of Pakistan. Write Down Likings About Smoking: Just note in writing…

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If you are the victim of asthma and it often attacks you suddenly even behind the safe doors of your home. To consult asthma specialist in Karachi logs on to Marham. Then maybe you are unaware of some potent asthma inducers present in your house. Just read the following words to avoid an indoor asthma attack. Keeps the House Shining: Proper cleaning of the house will keep the dirt and bugs away. Tidy house, neat bed covers and clean curtains will reduce the chances of dust mites to grow which are inducers of the asthma attack. in a result, the…

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Winters are setting in and all its blessings are coming with it. One of its gifts is the toothsome nuts. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts pistachio and many others are here to make your winter amazing and delighted. But it’s not only the matter of taste only they are serving you to make you healthy and safe in winters. Do you know how? Immune System Boost Up: Nuts are enriched with such a great variety of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins which tremendously boost up the immune system. The fully functional immune system better fights against infecting invaders and improve the general health…

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Red, scaly and itchy patches of psoriasis are really terrible enough to see and to bear. If your comfort and beauty are compromised because of psoriasis and medication are not affecting much than a few adjustments in your diet may help. Immediately cut out following things to control psoriasis flare up. Refined Sugar: It is a general villain for health but becomes the worse in case of psoriasis. It promotes inflammation and aggravates psoriasis. It also adds on the extra body mass which worsens psoriasis. Related: 4 Ways to Avoid Acne, Eczema and Oily Skin Fried Foods: These types of foods…

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If you are perplexed due to your strange feeling of hunger even when you are done with your meal than its time to think about a solution. Yes, here are the reasons for feeling hungry unexpectedly. Your Eating Pattern is Not Appropriate: Doughnut, pastries, patties or things like that are delicious but do not fulfill your energy demands so you feel hungry again in no time. Better choice of food is something with fiber, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Living in az urban culture sometimes makes it difficult to eat healthily. To solve this problem you can consult with a…

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