Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Pregnancy is absolutely good news for any married couple. But before dreaming about future you should take care of the present. Yes, the baby is coming but not forgets about the pregnant mother who needs ultimate care and proper nutrition. In Pakistan 8 out of ten pregnant ladies suffer serious complications during pregnancy. To consult the best gynecologist in Karachi Pakistan, you can take help from Marham. Here are some nutrients listed which are necessary for pregnant ladies. Folic Acid: Folic acid not only maintains the health status of the mother during pregnancy but also helps to prevent neural tube…

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You have celebrated your 18th birthday but have not gained the ideal height yet and you think now it is the fate. You can change the destiny by gaining some more inches, yes even after the age 18. Following these habits can add few inches for all those who are dreaming about idle height. Proper Nutrition: Although your body is secreting fewer growth hormones now still you can augment it by taking healthy diet. You can take proper guideline from the best dietician in Lahore, Karachi or any other main city of Pakistan, through Marham about how some growth inducing…

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If your baby is now 4 to 6 months old and can hold his head or sit with little help, now maybe he is also trying to eat from your plate. So it’s time to add some solid food to his diet plan. If you are perplexed about the thing that how to start solid food for baby, we are here to help you with some of the tried and tested tips in this regard. Try Soft Foods First: Baby is going to start solid foods but it does not mean he can chew the things you can chew. So try…

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Live forever is not possible but to stay healthy and fresh some more period of time is in your hands. Just read the following words to know about the things which gradually shorten your lifespan. Salt Imbalance: Too much salty or too less salty both are dangerous for you. High salty food intake is going to damage kidney and heart while low salt intake can alter blood pressure and normal body functioning. So take the salt in an appropriate amount. Insufficient Sleep: Proper 6 to 8 hours sleep not only refreshes you for next day working but also vital for…

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Are you too busy changing the world around you that you don’t have time to look out for your health? Or your daily schedule is so tight that you cannot go to a gym. Entrepreneurs need to be extra cautious about their health as they go through ruthless mental and physical exertion. Regular spells of appropriate exercise are key to stay healthy, but if your job timings and all day meetings are not allowing you to do exercise than you are at higher risk of developing health issues which might hinder your work and company. Here are some easy tips…

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Hiccups are the unpleasant sounds which suddenly arise from your throat in the result of unusual contraction of the diaphragm. Mostly people face embarrassing situation due to these unpleasant sounds without knowing the reason. If you are also suffering from hiccups chronically you can consult the best physician in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad or any other main city of Pakistan via Marham. Here we can help you to tell about the reason for hiccups. Just read following words. Eating Pattern: You know your eating pattern does not only show your social ethics but also affect your health status. Your diaphragm undergoes…

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Happy family is the root on which every person grows. The stress family situations affect your daily work and your kid’s development. If your child has some serious problem consults some good child specialist. You can take online appointment with the best child specialist in Lahore or Karachi by log on to Marham. Here are some tips for you to adopt for family happiness. Connect the Generations: Little one takes the inspiration from older one life’s experience to go through life hurdles and the older person gets satisfaction. So try to connect your parents with your kids and yourself too.…

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Beauty products grabbing too much money but still, you are not sure that they will be safe. Many people experienced side effects. If you are a victim of this bad happening immediately visit a skin specialist. You can take the online appointment by the skin specialist in Islamabad, by log on to Marham. If you are in search of some safe and best working beauty products try these natural oils. Tea Tree Oil: Having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects it controls acne outbreak and calm the acne associated inflammation. Argan Oil: The various polyphenol of argan oil fight against aging and…

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Eyes are not only the organ of vision but also a natural ornament to your face beauty. The pollution and low-quality food of big cities like Karachi ruin the eye health badly. If you are suffering some eye problem consult the best eye surgeon in Karachi by log on to Marham. Here we are listing some foods which can help you to protect the natural beauty and vision of your delicate eyes. Raw Red Peppers: Bright red colored peppers not only contain vitamin C but also packed with vitamin E and A. These three vitamins keep the eyesight protected and…

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Games on screen, yes the video games have benefits. If you blame these games to put glasses in front of your beautiful eyes, maybe you are wrong. Eyesight weakens due to a number of reasons you can get views by eye specialist about these reasons. You can consult the best eye specialist in Lahore, Karachi and all main cities of Pakistan log on to Marham. Here are some other points which will tell you how video games can be a good companion. Keep Yourself Motivated: Each game is based on achieving some target. To chase a target and achieve it…

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