Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

The scalp is the skin of your head which is the base of the hair. Whenever this delicate portion gets some problem it directly affects hair growth and beauty. Take a look at how your scalp gets irritated. Scalp Psoriasis: The dry and Itchy buildup of skin cells that can crack and even bleed is due to scalp psoriasis. It can appear in any part of the body. If you are suffering from this condition you can take an appointment online with the top dermatologists in Karachi, Lahore or any other city of Pakistan via Marham. Treatment: This can be…

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We the human beings of the 21st century are a bit unfortunate of being deprived of the pure air to breathe. The polluted air is not only hard to breathe in but is dangerous to health. Readout following eye-opening words to know how the air pollution is engulfing health. Bone Weakness: Air pollutants affect the parathyroid gland which regulates the level of calcium in the body. Due to lower calcium level, bones get weakened and fracture easily. If you are resident of polluted cities like Lahore or Karachi and suffering from the bone problem you can log on to Marham for…

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Your body is your own no doubt, but touching some of its parts can be dangerous for your health. Yes, it can happen. How? Just read these words to get the answer. Face: The first introduction of your personality is this part of your body. It can be harmed by your unnecessary or harsh touching. The face has delicate skin which damaged easily. One other harm is associated with face touching, your hands may carry many of germs which you transfer to the face by touching it. In result acne, rashes or any other skin infection may snatch your beauty.…

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Infertility is not only the case of females, males are also victimized by this abnormality. Lesser sperm count, immotile sperms or morphologically abnormal sperms are main problems of an infertile male. Specialists dealing with male infertility are also referred to as, androurologists. You can log on to Marham to find and consult with the best androurologist in Lahore, Karachi and other main cities of Pakistan. Now more cases of male infertility are registered due to certain lifestyle habits. Here those lesser-known factors are enlisted which negatively impact male fertility. Cycling: Generally, it is considered as a healthy activity. No doubt it…

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A smile is beautiful and perfectly shaped teeth make it even beautiful. It is awful to lose your teeth in some accident or your high sugar intake dematerialize the teeth or aging took away this natural blessing. Whatever the reason is, living without teeth or with damaged teeth is really distressing. If you are facing some dental problems immediately consult a dentist before losing teeth. Marham can help you to get a consultation by dental professionals in Lahore and Best Dentists In Karachi. But if you have lost one or more teeth there is still some hope present. Just take…

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From foundation to lipstick, a variety of cosmetics is available to make your looks perfect. Appropriate use of makeup miraculously enhances the beauty of each lady in no time. But how many of you know that this can harm your skin too? If you have damaged your skin with the careless use of cosmetics you can consult a top skin specialist in Karachi or any main city of Pakistan via Marham. Yes, it is a fact that when you sleep with makeup on a face it can be a foe to your beauty. Have a look at how makeup can damage…

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Traveling may be your hobby or not, but you often have to do it for office work or to family meet up. Many people get stressed when they need to travel. Do not be afraid of traveling anymore. Just try these things travel will feel like home. Wear Comfortable Stuff: Mostly not traveling but wearing uncomfortable clothes make you stressed during travel. Just wear easy clothes and shoes to keep you calm and comfortable during long traveling hours. Put Towel in Handbag: In your handbag, a little towel should be present. In any situation, you can use it to clean…

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Heartbreak is painful indeed. Sorrow overflows, when this occurs in life. But buddy, you know it’s not only the matter of hurt feelings. The heartbreak is strong enough to hurt you physically too. These are some ways, by which heartbreak affect the person’s physical health status. Pain is in the Brain: Your brain is the first organ which gets the effect of heartbreak. The strong emotional trauma affects the brain in the same way as physical damage effects. In result, the brain shows its reaction in the same way. The brain gets fog, becomes slow in working, says no to…

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Teenagers are in a special stage of life where their body is going to prepare itself for future endeavors. Now they need the diet which fulfills their present need and also prepares them for future challenges. For all those teens out there, here we have enlisted some foods which will help them to attain all required nutrients. Fruits and Vegetables Teens require all nutrients and vitamins to fulfill their bodily needs. Fresh vegetables and fruits are naturally fortified with all essential nutrients and have no extra calories. Extra calories cause weight gain which can cause ill effects like diabetes. To consult…

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Where are the car keys? What is the name of the shop which my friend recommended me? These and many other questions like this are really problematic when you are suffering from weak memory or concentration problem. The busy life of big cities is really causing memory and concentration problem. You can take a suggestion to solve these problems by consulting the best neurologist in Islamabad, Karachi or any other main city of Pakistan by logging on to Marham. Some foods are also there which can help you to boost your memory without any side effects. Avocado: This is among…

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