Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

What is Keratoconus? Are you hearing this term first time? Do not be worried we are here to serve you. Keratoconus is a term used for eye disease in which the round structure of cornea gets thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This cone shape cornea cannot work properly and deflects light in an improper way causing distorted vision. This abnormality may occur in one or both eyes and often reported during teen years or in the early 20s. Good news is that this is totally curable through a procedure called Corneal Cross-Linking Technique being carried out…

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Being a parent comes with the obligatory duty to have a strict look at kids. A little negligence of you may allow the dark world of drugs to engulf beautiful years of your child. If any of your beloved is suffering from addiction immediately help him by taking advice from your family physician. You can find family physicians in Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore via Marham. Islamabad,  Lahore, and Karachi have been reported to have higher rates of drug addiction. Here we listed some major signs which can help you to identify the drug abuse in your getting adult child. Physical…

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To get awareness about national or international happenings or to get amusement TV watching is a daily routine of almost every person now. But are you aware of its damaging effects? Yes, TV screens are the culprit behind many problems. Just read following words to know about them. Heart Diseases: More time in front of TV screen makes the person blood flow slow which affects heart health and leads to heart problems. If you are a sufferer of heart problem and unable to know about best cardiologist log on to Marham to get help from the best heart specialist in…

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Due to vision problem or to attain beauty, if you are wearing contact lenses then it is vital to know the appropriate way to use these. Many people around the globe face eye infections and injuries due to inappropriate use of contact lenses. If you are also a victim you can take help from best eye specialist in Lahore, Karachi or any other main city of Pakistan via Marham. Here are the guidelines to use contact lenses in safely. Before Touch Lenses: Properly wash your hands and dry them before you put your lenses in or take them out. Avoid touching…

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If you are afraid of putting off your socks at friend’s home or experience teasing comment of siblings about your smelly feet and no one offers you washing due to the deadly smell of your socks then stop worrying now. Here we are writing some little things to do which will make you think when you last time felt the feet smell. Feet Cleaning: Do properly cleaning of feet with mild soap and scrub brush especially in morning and evening. Pay special attention to the area of inside the toes. Dry the feet properly after washing. Clip your toenails to…

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Exercise peculiarly the regular one is essential for healthy brain and body. It maintains healthy body weight and keeps body organs in the proper functioning state. But it is not a miracle to that extent which many people believe. Some wonders of exercise are just a myth. Read those in following words. Heavy Workout is Better: People believe deeply that more heavy and hectic workouts will be more effective. But it is totally wrong as heavy workouts without proper planning can cause serious problems to you including cramps, muscle fatigue, swollen muscle even the muscle injury. If you had any…

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Coffee mug in a colleague’s hand makes you think of worsening his health. You should not be afraid of coffee. An adequate amount of coffee, up to 400mg, is safe and beneficial for each person particularly the office workers. How? Here some of the coffee benefits are listed which will surely be the best answer. Improves Brain Functioning: The main ingredient of coffee called caffeine is a renowned brain stimulant and psychoactive substance in the world. In the brain, caffeine enhances specific neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine which leads to enhanced firing of neurons in result brain functioning like memory,…

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Each caring and aware mother wants to add vegetables to the kid diet to provide him all healthy nutrients. But little innocent creatures are not wise enough to understand this point they only look for taste and crunch. So if you are facing bad expressions of the little one on vegetable cooking than be happy, dear mom. Try these hacks to make the boring vegetables a real fun for kids. Try Some Different Texture: Kids noticed texture and shape. The new and different texture of traditional vegetables will make them appealing for kids. Try to cut the carrots into chips…

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Work is good to do for your earning and to consume your abilities. But the saying all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is not just a proverb. There are certain reasons to say goodbye to your work for some time. Holiday is as vital as breathing, read following words to know why? Reduce Stress Level: Unintentionally, your work and responsibilities pile up in your mind and slowly gathered in form of stress. This not only ruins your health but also affects your working potency. A regular holiday gives a perfect moment to relax, helps you to…

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Stomach ache or abdominal pain is not always related to some serious medical disorder. Sometimes it comes with a little invitation to less complex issues. Here we have listed some reasons for stomach pain which can help you to avoid this problem. Food poisoning: Any food item contaminated with bacteria can cause food poisoning. Which leads to severe stomach pain with diarrhea like symptoms. In case you are having symptoms of food poisoning immediately seek the attention of the nearest general practitioner. To find and consult a gastroenterologist in Rawalpindi, Islamabad or any other main cities of Pakistan visit…

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