Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

In this scientific era radiotherapy is used to treat the wide range of abnormalities from skin scars to cancer. It is really a marvelous technology and works for satisfying results. But it still has some side effects. Don’t be afraid of those unwanted effects, these can be avoided. Read how can you minimize the side effects of this therapy? Side Effects of Radiotherapy: If a person is getting treatment by the effective radiations, he will surely suffer some side effects. Some effects appear soon and some take a little time. Both are narrated here. Early Side Effects: In this category,…

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30 minutes walk in the start of the day is enough to energize you for the whole day and to maintain good health status for the whole life. Read following health benefits to get motivation for a morning walk. Aids Weight Loss: Little steps of morning walk melted the body fats and help you in the battle against weight loss. By marinating healthy body weight you can save yourself from deadly abnormalities like diabetes. Protect the Heart: By reducing fats especially cholesterol level and by regulating normal blood flow morning walk protect the heart health in real meaning. Improves Immune…

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Eating is the way of getting nutrition for healthy body and mind. Maybe you are taking quite a healthy diet cooked in a safe way but your all efforts will go in vain if you do these 5 things after taking your meal. Sleeping or Lying Down: When you lie immediately after eating it slows down your digestive system and causes stomach acid creep back into the esophagus. In result of this food is not digested well and you may also suffer heartburn. If you are a victim of some gut complications by Marham you can take online advice by…

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Cooking your food on your own is the guaranteed way of safe and healthy eating. But sometimes you spoil your own food unconsciously. Some cooking strategies are gravely hazardous. Have a look on these and try to avoid them. Simmered: Simmering is the best cooking technique to prevent fats oxidation, but it fully denatures the protein content of the food. So avoid high protein foods to simmer or do this practice for a short duration of time. Sous vide: This special method of cooking food in a water bath can make meat literally melt in your mouth and mostly used…

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AIDS, the deadly syndrome is mostly considered a silent killer as it attacks and spread in the body without any specific symptoms and when it is identified no hope is left. It is correct in some extent but not completely. Yes, it can be tracked even at early stage. Here are some words about this disease which can help to track it before getting too late. Why is it Consider Silent Killer? AIDS is believed as the silent killer as it is considered manifested no clear or specific symptoms. It is caused by a virus named HIV and it stays…

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Have you ever count the nature blessings? Indeed they are countless. We just take benefit from them and say thanks to Almighty. Here we introducing some natural ingredients in which nature hide the potency of wound healing. You can try these to heal your minor cuts and injuries. Keep in mind serious injuries and profuse bleeding always requires proper medical attention. Never try to care for an emergency case with home remedies. Honey: Being a good antibacterial in its properties, honey can heal the wound with safety. In laboratory tests, it is proved that honey has the potency to kill…

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Are you always upset with your kid because of low grades at school? Do you ever consider there could be something that he cannot help and are none of his faults as well? It might surprise you how some speech and learning disorders of kids are a great hindrance to his school performance. Things like Sound clarity Voice quality Ability to hold meaningful conversations Understand others Problem-solving Read Comprehend and express thoughts through spoken or written words. Maybe you are unaware of his difficulties. Just read out following words to know how these least considered matters are making your child’s life…

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Regular brushing and flossing are necessary for oral health. But if you are doing these regularly and still have oral problems then you need some extra efforts as well. Yes dude, for complete oral health some other things are also required. Have a look on those things. Healthy Diet: What you eat has an impact on your oral health as much as brushing or flossing. As the ancient people who even don’t know about brushing but had stronger teeth. You know why? Because of their healthy diet. A diet full of vitamins and minerals and having less phytic acid can…

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Horror films not only serve to produce screams and frozen mind and bodies, these scary shoots can be beneficial too. Have a look at these words to know about positive effects horror movies. Good for Brain: Watching horror movie is significantly good for brain. Ups and downs in emotion during the scary scenes of the movie boost the release of good substances in brain like dopamine, serotonin and glutamate. These substances create adrenaline that reduces the stress and restlessness and also improve brain functioning. If you are struggling with depression book yourself an appointment with the best psychiatrist in Lahore, Karachi or other…

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Pakistan is the land of different cultures and each culture has its own beauties. In some cultural areas of Pakistan, it is a tradition that pressing the specific parts of the newborn can modify them to gain the best shape of these organs. These traditional practices may modify the apparent structures indeed, but this action may cause some harms to the delicate internal structures of the little ones. Here we are listed some of its ill effects, just read these out. Forehead and Head Pressing: It is a very common tradition among the various communities to press the forehead and…

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