Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Handsome salary and increasing bank balance are major attractions for any human but have you ever consider that how your hard and overwork is snatching the natural wealth of health. Here are some alarms for all workaholics to stop hectic over working for the sake of good health. Muscular Weakness: It is not a new thing to know that after hectic working hours you will experience neck, shoulders and back pain. But this is not all. These pains vanish with some rest but if you experienced these more often then you will get muscular weakness in the long run. Brain…

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In mid hours of the day, most people feel tiredness and low energy. Midday naps are found to be best to goodbye to this downtime. In addition to getting refreshed midday naps offer you some other health benefits which are listed here. After knowing these gains, you will surely make mid-day snooze your habit. Restores Alertness: Naps, a mini vacation from work, amazingly relax you and restore alertness, enhance performance, and reduce the chances of mistakes and accidents. 40-minute nap improved performance by 34% and alertness 100%, narrated in the recent study held internationally. Improves Brain Functioning: A 20-minute snooze…

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“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise” is an old proverb but still authentic. In morning leaving bed is the most courageous act but after reading following health advantages you will do it at any cost. Helps to Maintain Healthy Diet Plan: Breakfast is a vital meal of the whole day. When you skip it your metabolism gets disturbed for an entire day. Rising early in morning gives you enough time to prepare and take breakfast. This healthy routine balances your weight and helps to avoid all nutritional deficiencies as well. Improves Sleep Pattern: To…

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Midnight eating is a sure way to add extra pounds to your body, disturb the digestive system and may lead to critical health hazards. It’s better to avoid midnight eating but if it is not possible, choose healthier snacks to compromise ill effects of eating at night. Here are some healthy snacks listed which can be your good companion at midnight hours. Frozen Yogurt: Fewer fats and delicious flavors make it a good snack of all times. If you are an ice cream lover you can freeze it with your favorite flavor in the form of cubes or you can…

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Fruit juice is considered one of the healthiest food items but it is true for freshly prepared juices only. Packed juices are nothing more than a junk food. Shocked? It is a reality. Readout following facts to know how packed juices are a wastage of your money and health. Packed with Zero Vitamins: Packaged juices can be stored for up to one year. But this is beneficial for the company not for you. Heat treatment involved in this process to keep the juice fresh for long duration makes it lose all of its vitamins. Also Read: 7 Healthy Refreshing Drinks in…

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Fewer than three bowel movements in a week, uncomfortable bowel movement, and bloated stomach are signs of constipation. Are you tricked by it and perplexed why it happens to you? Here we will answer your questions regarding why constipation happens and how to stay away from this. Constipation Causes: Constipation has many causes some of these are just the daily bad habits. More or less often, mild or severe constipation mostly attack the persons who are habitual of following things: Poor diet An inactive lifestyle Eating too much junk food can Dairy products Foods high in fat and sugar Lack…

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Obesity is an eminent curse but being underweight is not less than that. Yes, underweight individuals are at the risk of grave medical complications. Ideal figure is the dream of all humans but never fulfill your dream on the cost of your health as any negligence in this regard can put you at the stake of any serious health problem like these. Nutritional Deficiencies: If you are underweight then probably you got this by skipping your meals and as a result, you got nutritional deficiencies. You think it is not a big deal? You are wrong. Being deficient in necessary…

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Meat and chicken are tasty indeed. But it’s not a sagacious thing to eat these food items and say no to vegetables. These inexpensive, available in a large variety and easy to prepare natural blessings offer you following health benefits. Make Less Eating Possible: Due to the high fiber content of vegetables, it is possible to eat less and feel full earlier. This will surely help you to maintain healthy body weight and prevent obesity-related issues. Free of Fats and Cholesterol: Who can deny this fact? All vegetables have least fats and cholesterol due to which these are friendly to…

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Swine flu originally is a disease of pigs that can, in rare cases, be transferred to humans. It is a highly contagious respiratory viral infection which is recently reported in Pakistan too. In case of any severe respiratory problem, you can log on to Marham to find and consult the best pulmonologist in Karachi, Lahore or any main city of Pakistan. To know more about swine flu read following words with full attention. Symptoms: Swine flu has common flu-like symptoms which include: Body aches Chills A cough A headache Fever Fatigue Vomiting and diarrhea (less common symptoms) Causes: There are only…

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Water intake is necessary for the survival and associated with a range of health benefits but it becomes more beneficial when you take it in the start of the day. Glass of mildly warm water after leaving the bed can be beneficial in following ways. Rehydrates the Body: After the night’s sleep, your body gets dehydrated and needs rehydration. For this purpose what is better than this universal potion? Rehydration in early morning gives best wake up call to each organ to get ready for whole day functioning. Flushes out the Toxins: At night your body accumulates oxidants and toxins…

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