Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Healthy and strong hair is a natural crown to beautify the personality. Dry, rough and damaged hair not only snatches your personal charm but also leads to chronic hair fall. To maintain the hair beauty you do not need to search the market, your kitchen has all ingredients for strong and long hair. Try any of listed below kitchen ingredient to solve out all hair problems. Potatoes: Potatoes are not only the companion of all vegetables but also good to maintain hair health due to its enough potassium, vitamin C, and iron. It is a bare fact that deficiency of…

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Drinking too much alcohol can cause a buildup of fat in your liver which may lead to scarring liver tissue. The more scarred a liver is, the less well it functions. But surprisingly fatty tissue can also build up in your liver if you drink little or no alcohol. This is known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). To get all the knowledge about this unfortunate happening read the following words. Causes: The exact causes of NAFLD aren’t well understood. Researchers found some connection between the disease and insulin resistance. When your body develops insulin resistance, it means your cells…

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A flat belly is a dream for everyone irrespective of the gender. But most of the dreamers just dream about it without achieving the aim. For this dream to come true you may try following things. Take Probiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria that are suggested to play a big role in weight maintenance. Overweight and obese people live with different composition of gut bacteria than normal-weight people, which may influence fat distribution around the stomach. A regular intake of probiotics may shift the balance towards beneficial gut flora, reducing the chance of weight gain and fat accumulation in the abdominal…

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Unnecessary internet surfing, scrolling down news feed most of the time and checking on and off different socializing media are indications of your internet addiction. It is not a good habit at all as it disrupts your focus and is totally an unhealthy practice. Everyone knows its ill effects but leaving this bad habit is not less than a war. Following tactics can help you to win this battle. Schedule the time: The first step is most important and tough among all. You have to make a time schedule for internet usage and have to follow it strictly. During rest…

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Facilities and luxury of urban areas are so glittering that everyone attracted towards it but actually, all its offers cannot match the health benefits which are only for rural masses. Indeed rural folks are not very up to date and lead a simple life but there are benefits too. Some other health benefits of rural living are mentioned here. No Contamination: Whether in terms of air or food rural areas is still offering you the purity. No automobiles and no industries in countryside provide you the clean air to breathe. Fresh and healthy food is also not out of question…

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In this scientific era radiotherapy is used to treat a wide range of abnormalities from skin scars to cancer. It is really a marvelous technology and gives satisfactory results. But it still has some side effects. Don’t be afraid, as those unwanted effects can be avoided. Just read following words. Side Effects of Radiotherapy: If a person is getting treatment by the effective radiations, he will surely suffer some side effects. Some effects appear soon and some take a little time. Both are narrated here. Early Side Effects: In this category, those side effects are listed which happen during or…

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Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs, can be small or large, which formed inside the ovary or on its surface. Most of the women have these cysts at some time of their age. Mostly they disappear by their own but some can be dangerous and leads to cancerous forms. To kick out the chance of ovarian cancer, facts about cyst should be known. Signs and Symptoms: As most cysts are not harmful and little in size so they don’t cause any apparent symptoms and go away after some time. But, a large ovarian cyst is not easy gone and need treatment.…

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Stress when goes beyond the limits leads to depression which a is a chronic disorder that affects the mental health. It is mainly characterized by constant low mood, feeling of sadness and loss of interest. If anyone around you or you yourself are coping with severe stress consult the best psychiatrist in Karachi or any main city of Pakistan log on to Here we are mentioning some little efforts which you can do to reduce stress level. Exercise: Exercise helps to fight against depression as it boosts feel-good chemicals termed as endorphins. It may also have long duration benefits…

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The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not a single ailment but basically is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory (non-reversible) asthma, and some types of bronchiectasis. This malfunctioning is characterized by increasing breathlessness and can lead to death. To keep yourself safe read about this. Causes: Most common causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are discussed below. In most cases of COPD the noticed reason is inhaling of specific pollutants; that majorly includes smoking (cigarettes, pipes, cigars). Fumes, chemicals, and dust found in many work environments and organic cooking oil also are…

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Say goodbye to knee pain. Knee replacement surgery, which is also termed as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical method which is done to help relieve or reduce pain and restore the proper functioning status of the severely damaged knee joint. Dear readers, it is not the thing to get scared but a permanent way of getting relieve. Read about why this surgical approach becomes necessary and how it can be safe for you. Why it is Important to Do? When all available treatments failed to work and the physician lost all hopes of recovery by using traditional methods of curing…

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