Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

In the field of medicine, no treatment starts until the diagnosis is completed. And the success of the treatment is based on the correct diagnosis. Incorrect diagnosis leads to improper treatment. So many diagnostic techniques are invented to achieve the aim of correct diagnosis. Diagnostic laparoscopy is one of them. To know about this read the following words. This almost magical procedure really helps surgeons. But it requires a very skilled surgeon to get optimum results from this. To find the best laparoscopic surgeon in Lahore and other main cities of Pakistan you can log on to Diagnostic Laparoscopy: It…

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When it comes to the most horrible word of medical dictionary, the heart attacks, there’s a crucial statistic to keep in mind. The average person waits at least for three hours before getting help for heart attack symptoms, and many heart attack victims just take the last breath before ever reaching a hospital. But you can give yourself or some beloved one the best possible help for survival by following a few tips listed below. Call Emergency: Even if you’re unsure whether you or a loved one is having a heart attack, do not waste time in ensuring it by…

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Cook meal in minimum time, defrost the frozen food and heat up the refrigerated food; a microwave is a huge time-consuming appliance in the kitchen. Yes, it is indeed. But have you ever pondered that is it safe?  Its potent microwave radiations are really dangerous and can produce carcinogenic chemicals in food. But you can dodge these waves by adopting these little tips. Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions: Directions in the user manual mostly are not considered important but it provides you recommended operating procedures and safety precautions. For instance, you should not use some microwave ovens when they are empty.…

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Glowing skin, better heart health, improved brain functioning, good working stamina and overall better physical health all can be gain by proper blood circulation. If you are not a victim of some serious medical condition than you can achieve good blood circulation by just following these simple tips. Eat Iron Rich Foods: Iron is a vital component of hemoglobin and acts as blood’s oxygen transporter. Its deficiency leads to poor blood circulation. Make sure you regularly include at least some of the following food items in your diet. Such as: Red meat Whole grain cereals Dark leafy greens Lentils Kidney…

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If you’re feeling numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand, consider it a serious sign for carpal tunnel syndrome which mostly is caused by pressure on median nerve, the special nerve runs the length of the arm, goes through a passage in the wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in the hand. Many people around the globe suffer from this discomforting situation without knowing much about it. But you can be one step ahead of gaining necessary information through following lines. Why does it Happen?? In the human body, many organs are in close relation to each other and…

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Binge eating disorder is generally known as compulsive overeating or intaking abnormal amounts of food feeling unable to stop or control yourself. This abnormal eating does not happen in continuous manners at every meal but its episodes typically occur on an average of a minimum of twice per week for a duration of six months. Do you want to know more about this abnormal behavior? Following description can help you. Causes: Irrespective of all scientific inventions the exact cause of binge eating disorder is still under cover. But certain factors are believed as strong influences for the development of this…

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Helping others without any material gains may not be very fruitful according to some community beliefs. Most of time volunteer works are not considered more than a sacrifice. But actually helping others is helpful for the person doing these, not in terms of gaining prayers and heaven but it pays rewards in this world too. Yes, helping others can help you in following ways. Increased Life Span: Want to extend your lifespan? Think about regularly work as a volunteer. Research has shown that volunteer activities can improve health in various ways that can lengthen your lifespan. Volunteers show an improved…

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Physical pain, either mild or grave, can affect your daily routine and work. It is not wise to take any pain as a minute problem. If traveling and finding suitable doctor is a problem, can help you. It is where you can find the best family physician in Lahore or any big city of Pakistan to get advice for basic pain relief. Here we are mentioning some noninvasive and easy ways to manage pain. Cold and Heat: These two tried and proved methods are best in terms of relieving pain for certain kinds of injuries. Muscle and joint pain…

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Bad breath can ruin all the good impact of groomed personality. In public or in private life the foul smelling mouth may be the hindrance to your communication and confidence. Stop living isolated due to this factor, know about its causes and try preventive measures to banish bad breath. Causes of Bad Breath: Nothing happens on its own. Bad breathe also is caused by little negligence of you. Here are some common causes mentioned which lead to bad breath in the majority of cases. Food: The breakdown of food particles in and around teeth increases bacteria production and causes a…

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Dealing with stubborn children is a great challenge for parents as getting them to do even basic chores like taking a bath, eating a meal or going to bed is not less than a battle. Stop everyday battle and pay some attention to them with love and care for the desired outcomes. Here we have listed down a few tips that child psychologists and parenting experts recommend to deal with a stubborn child. Listen to them: Communication is a two-way street. If you want your kid to listen to you, you have to listen to him first. Strong-willed children may…

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