Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

You care a lot about hairs on your head. You know exactly what signs indicate which problem. Are you attentive to your beard as well? What we are talking about is beyond grooming it for hours and spending on products made especially for the beard. This article is for all those who make their beard a style statement and others who do not have it. But hey it is not very much about grooming and all. Here we are telling you what health signs your beard can convey and how you can read these. Hair-loss in Round Patterns: If you…

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A cough is not a disease in itself. Rather it is a symptom indicating other diseases. It acts to clear out phlegm from airways and respiratory tract. It is commonly experienced as a result of illnesses like the flu and bronchitis. Other ailments that can elicit a cough include: Asthma Allergies Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) A cough can also affect people who smoke. If you experience pain, fever, bloodstained sputum and yellow or green sputum. It is time to consult a doctor right away. You can visit to find an ENT specialist in Islamabad or other cities of…

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If you or anyone at your home is dealing with diabetes this article is for you. Being diabetic means taking a little extra care of yourself. This is manageable when you are at home but what about when heading out or in case of some emergency? This is where a diabetes emergency kit comes handy. Here we are going to guide you about the essentials if a diabetes emergency kit. For more help and guidance regarding diabetes and its management book an appointment with the best endocrinologist using You can have this packed in an easy to carry bag and…

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You must have heard about trillions of benefits of apple cider vinegar. From youtube videos to Instagram posts internet is choked with qualities of this vinegar. Have you also tried some of these? Does this overwhelming hype makes you wonder if this is true or not? We had similar questions and thought to clarify this for once and for all. So here is the truth about some of the most famous uses apple cider vinegar is boosted about. What is Vinegar? Vinegar is produced by the action of bacteria on fruit juices, sugar, honey and similar products. The only difference in case of…

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We are nurtured with food from the moment we are born. LAter it continues as food becomes a way to show admiration, food as a prize and at times as punishment as well. So having an emotional connection with food is not your mistake. Food is everywhere and you just cannot escape it. All of it is good as long as you have control over yourself. But there are plenty of moments where you can fall of the delicate balance of eating and compulsive overeating. Overeating once in a while is permittable but as this develops into a habit it can…

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Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Surprisingly this disease is preventable as well as reversible. Food is the major factor contributing to the development or prevention of this disease. Here we are mentioning a few of those foods that are helpful in clearing clogged arteries. For further information regarding diet that can help to prevent diseases book an online appointment with the best nutritionist in Lahore, Pakistan. Have a look at these heart-friendly foods and lower your risk of heart disease. Oranges: Orange has numerous remedies inside. It has a high amount of…

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Uterine fibroids affect as much as 30% of women below the age of 35 and 20-80% of women by the age of 50 years. These fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow from muscles of the womb. These most commonly surface during the childbearing years. You may also know these by names like Leiomyomas or simply myomas. Luckily these tumors are not linked to elevated chances of uterine cancer. these almost never turn in to cancer. To help you fight or stay safe from cancer book an appointment with the best oncologist in Karachi using What Causes Fibroids? To date, no exact cause of fibroids is detected. However, research studies…

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Neck pain is a common finding among the masses nowadays. Poor posture, excessive use of technology specifically mobile phone is the culprit behind. Usually, this pain results when muscles, tendons and ligaments around the cervical spine are affected. Ask anyone suffering from this pain and you will know how troubled life becomes. Neck pain can hinder you in routine tasks. To find help regarding this book an appointment with the best general physician in Karachi or any other main city of Pakistan using Here we are sharing some tips, employing these you can stay safe from neck pain. Use A Suitable Pillow:…

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Humans are habitual of questioning. They would question their existence, emotions and everything else on the planet Earth. Well, a lot of these questions may require you to search but what we are answering here is definitely interesting. Love is more like a mystery to mankind. Isn’t it magical to feel attached to a person the moment you set your gaze on them? as much as it is exciting sometimes it may puzzle many of us. Why do we fall in love? Is there any explanation? Any valid reason? Yes! Here we are disclosing some reasons why do people fall…

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اپینڈکس ایک بافت یعنی ٹشو ہے جو کہ بڑی آنت کے پہلے حصے میں دائیں جانب موجود ہوتا ہے۔ اس چھوٹے سےجیب نما ٹشو میں خوراک یا بیکٹیریا کی وجہ سے انفیکشن ہو جاتا ہے جو کہ درد اور دیگر علامات کا باعث بنتا ہے۔ اپینڈکس پیٹ درد کی ایک عام وجہ ہے۔ اگرچہ اپینڈکس سے کوئی بھی متاثر پو سکتا ہے لیکن دس سے تیس سال کی عمر کے افراد میں یہ زیادہ پایا جاتا ہے۔ عورتوں کی نسبت مرد حضرات میں اپینڈکس سے متاثر ہونے کی شرح بلند ہے۔ اپینڈکس کا اگر بروقت علاج نہ کیا جائے تو…

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