Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

We know that smoking, bad eating habits, and an inactive lifestyle are not positive for heart health but little did we knew about these sneaky sources of heart damage. Have a look and let us know how many of these surprised you. Your Dental Health: Brushing every day and maintaining habit to floss promise healthy teeth and a healthy heart as well. If you have swollen gums it poses a risk to your heart health. Although the reason is not known precisely it is suggested that bacteria causing inflammation of gums can travel to the heart via the bloodstream and…

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People suffering from type 2 diabetes have to watch their diet to keep their sugar levels under control. It’s beneficial for them to keep an eye on their carbohydrate intake as well. Carbohydrates are the components that can alter sugar levels faster as compared to fats and proteins. Carbohydrate counting or “carb counting” is a popular meal planning approach for managing diabetes. It is especially helpful for people using insulin to manage diabetes. How Many Carbs? You can start by monitoring your current carbohydrate consumption and sugar level 2 hour after every meal. This will help you and your diabetes…

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Wondering what on earth a concussion is? While there are several chances for anyone to suffer from it a lot of people do not know about this. A concussion is a type of brain injury that can result from a blow, fall or due to a hit to head during a game. Symptoms Like This May Follow: A feeling of being zoned out Difficulty in concentrating Getting attention diverted easily by noise and light Inability to focus on work Balance issues A headache Dizziness Experiencing a concussion is a serious matter and needs immediate attention. As mentioned it is a…

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We all know life is at its best when you are healthy and happy. Many of us indulge in healthy behaviors like diet and exercise to maintain health. But let me tell you there are more significant things to health and happiness than diet and exercise. Many research studies suggest that our health and happiness is influenced by the company we keep. People you meet at work, connect with on social media, chat randomly while on the commute and that neighbor you dread facing every time you head outside of your home all affect your health and attitude towards life.…

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Sun is working hard these days and everybody you will meet would be complaining about sweat-drenched clothes and scorching heat. Heat can take a toll on your health if precautions are not exercised. Can you guess how many ways heat can affect your bodily systems beyond sweating? Here is a brief account of conditions that may surface due to excessive and unprotected heat exposure. Heat Exhaustion: Extremely hot weather can hinder the lowering of body temperature after sweating. Excessive sweating leaches away salt and water leading to a headache, lightheadedness, nausea, and tiredness. Your body gets pale, clammy with temperature…

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In our part of the world, it’s a norm to relate strength training and muscle building with men. Though these exercises are equally beneficial for both the gender groups. Strength training has many benefits beyond that buff look. Strong bones so you have good mobility in old age. Improved balance and coordination meaning lesser chances of falling and hurting yourself. Increased basal metabolic rate meaning you burn more calories even when at rest. Better quality of life as you age and lose muscle mass. These are just a few advantages of strength training to mention. If you want to start,…

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Weak eyesight is a commonly observed fact these days and people learn to live with it. It’s a common perception that eyesight cannot be corrected which is a huge misunderstanding. Here we are familiarizing you with a  miraculous procedure LASIK. It can change your life by giving you that long forgotten crisp vision back. YES, YOU CAN GET RID OF GLASSES! All this without having to poke your eyes for contacts fitting or to have a pair of glasses perched on your nose. LASIK is a short form of Laser in situ keratomileuses a well-known surgery when it comes to…

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ہماری صحت ہمارے زندگی گزارنے کے طریقوں کی عکاس ہے۔ یقیناّ تمباکونوشی، غیر صحت مند خوراک اور بسیار خوری صحت کے دشمن ہیں لیکن بہت سے اقدامات اور انتخابات ایسے بھی ہیں جو ہماری روزمرہ زندگی کا حصہ ہیں اور ہم ان کے مضر اثرات سے بے خبر ان کا شکار ہیں۔ خواتین کی صحت جہاں اور بہت سے عوامل سے متاثر ہوتی ہے وہیں ان کے طرز زندگی کے بعض انتخابات بھی ان کی صحت کے دشمن ہیں۔ ان میں بہت سے عوامل ایسے ہیں جنہیں خواتین معاشرتی دبائو کے باعث اپناتی ہیں۔ ہم آپ سے اپیل کرتے ہیں…

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Nowadays every working person has to spend some time in front of a computer screen and many are totally glued to it for an entire working shift. Prolonged screen time takes a toll on your eyes and you end up with red, watery and tired eyes. You are bound to feel miserable and skeptic about your eye health. To your relief, there are no such findings that support any permanent damage to eyesight due to computer usage but tiredness and other visual symptoms may appear from time to time. These can be minimized by wearing protective glasses, adjusting screen brightness…

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Leptin is a hormone that is produced by body fat cells. It is often referred to as the “satiety hormone” or the “starvation hormone”. Leptin’s primary target is in the cerebrum, especially a region called the hypothalamus. Leptin is supposed to tell the brain that we have enough fat stored, that we don’t have to eat, and that we can consume calories at a normal rate. It likewise has numerous different functions related to fertility, resistance, brain function and others. What is Leptin Resistance? Individuals who are obese have a lot of body fat in their fat cells. Since fat…

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