Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

No, you don’t have to swim to catch swimmers ear. But you have to read about it to stay safe and handle it wisely. Swimmers ear is an ear infection caused by excess moisture trapped in the ear. But you can get it while staying out of the water as well. As most commonly affected by this are the swimmers hence the name swimmers ear. Once you get it, no matter how, knowing signs to recognize this is helpful in treatment. As this infection is different from a common ear infection. An infection your child complains of after an episode…

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It’s almost a norm to quote “You have Depression” to anyone who seems gloomy and down. Depression is very common these days. The reason why understanding it and recognizing it’s signs and symptoms is stressed often in media and by healthcare professionals as well. We all know telltale signs of depression like sadness, a dragging down feeling that worsens day by day. But depression also manifests itself in some unusual symptoms which are surprisingly quite common. The Unusual Signs of Depression: These can be one or more of the below mentioned problems: Sleeplessness Craving for sweets especially at night Aches…

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Of the most joyous news in a person’s life is the one to know you are expecting a baby. From selecting a gynecologist, nursery colors and baby name excitement just grows. No matter how well read you are some of the body changes you go through are surprising. While a mother happily embraces all these changes knowing what to expect can be really helpful. As every baby is different so is every pregnancy. Some women glow throughout first trimester others feel out of sorts during these months. Here is a guide to changes that may surface during the first trimester…

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It’s common observation regarding people who are hostile and very short tempered to end up with diseases like heart troubles and depression. Remember being told in your childhood for good conduct and mannerism? This is all very important as it shapes one’s personality. It’s now a science-backed fact that different kind of personalities has their different types of effects on human health. Here let’s have a look at different types of personalities and how their holders are more or less vulnerable to certain diseases. Optimists: Being optimistic is a great blessing in regard to health. The positive outlook this personality…

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So it’s time when much-awaited summer holidays have come to an end. For me getting back to the school run is an addition to an already jam-packed routine. While I am worried about how will I manage I just noticed my 5-year-old is also a bit anxious. Upon asking she shared her worries of going back to school, about new teachers and how will be her new classroom. I recollected that this “back to school anxiety” is quite real remembering my own school days. Here is little help for all the parents out there who are struggling to stay sane…

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If you ask a doctor what’s the most challenging part of their job? Out of many other scenarios, they would tell you it’s when a patient comes with a self-diagnosis. We are supposed to trust our doctors to provide us with care and establish a diagnosis. But on the contrary, we go with an established diagnosis and expect them to follow our directions on how to proceed. This is what creates tension in the relationship with your doctor. Patient’s may disagree with the diagnosis or the treatment plan. Let’s take a look at why it happens and how to deal…

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You are eager to fill up your kid’s plate with healthy fulfilling options. Do you know it is equally important to choose right fill for their glasses as well? If your kids are guzzling down sugary treats every hour of the day you need to take a notice instantly. Two best and healthy options for kids drinking are milk and water. So, you know milk is good and your kid should be having it. But you are unable to get that down their throats because they refuse it every single time. Here is how much milk kids need and how…

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Sitting at the dinner table you will often hear “do not drink water between meals”. While we most often do neglect this thinking it just a myth. Actually, it has many negative effects on digestive and general health. Read on how this one habit is damaging your health. Effect on Gastric Juices: Eating food causes the release of gastric juices responsible for digestion. When you drink water with food these juices are diluted. Hence the slowed down digestion and increased time of food stay in your stomach. Besides indigestion, it can also lead to cramps in your tummy. Effect on…

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I have noticed that most people who have depression and psychology issues have an unnatural and unhealthy lifestyle. Most households will have that one family member who wakes up at lunchtime and is seen searching for breakfast at 02:00 pm. You will often find these people troubled the entire day. They will take showers in the middle of the night, sleep during the day, stay awake at night and eat when the entire world is busy at work. Humans are programmed by nature. Staying close to nature is key to their stability whether it’s physical, mental or environmental. Here are…

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I went to attend my daughter’s result day gathering at her school. Sitting there waiting for my turn I overheard more than twice some parents fretting over the result and asking for an explanation from teachers regarding the dreaded subject “MATHS”. Most of them seemed troubled about why their kid is not doing good in maths when he is good at all other subjects. Teachers seemed equally bothered and amidst all this chaos the poor student stood like a prisoner waiting for final decision. As a healthcare professional, I had an idea this could be due to a certain learning…

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