Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

Farsightedness is one of the common vision problems among masses. It is also termed as hyperopia. Having farsightedness means you can see distant objects clearly but nearby objects appear blurry. This is because light from nearby objects fails to focus clearly on the retina. This is a hereditary condition and can be present at the time of birth. Symptoms of Farsightedness: When you are farsighted you may experience the following symptoms: Objects placed near seem blurry You have to squint to see better You are suffering from eye strain There is burning or ache in and around your eyes After…

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Healthy weight at all ages is very desirable for your overall health as it can control and prevent diseases and some worse conditions. If you are fat or overweight you are at risk for serious illnesses, you can suffer from heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer too. When you maintain your ideal weight throughout your life or as you grow old you prevent yourself from developing health-related problems. Your energy level remains high as you eat healthy and fresh food. It has been seen as age increases weight also increases but you need to make some effort…

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Sores on your head can be painful besides being embarrassing. These can become prominent if you have light hairs or a very short haircut. You cannot see these unless you are skilled to take back-of-the-head selfies. Causes of these range from minor infections to certain other diseases. It is better to see your doctor rather than suffering. Also, you must visit a doctor if: •    You have these sores again and again. •    Bumps and lumps on your head don’t heal within a few days. •    These sores keep on changing color and shape. Visiting a general physician is enough…

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In the recent years, massage therapy has become very popular among masses. Different types of it are being offered at aesthetic clinics and saloons. At first, it was not considered as an effective approach to manage certain disorders. However, now research has proved many beneficial effects of massage. This therapy is advantageous for people in anxiety, relieving insomnia and can bring improvements in circulation. Here we are discussing few prominent benefits of massage therapy. Reduction in Cortisol Levels: When you are in the stress level of cortisol hormone in your body elevates. The increased amount of cortisol can cause a headache,…

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Do you worry uncontrollably and unnecessarily about every single thing in your life? Do you worry for every person leaving the house your spouse, children and everyone else? Are you unable to enjoy your parties and get-togethers because you are worried about the rest of the things you have left behind? This is how the life of a chronic worrier is! The question that arises is what causes some people to be chronic worriers? Is there some worry-gene, does it run in families or is it a disorder? But researchers have not found any certain reason behind this kind of…

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Do you know more than 1% of the world’s population stutters! There is no medical cure devised for this problem to date. Men are found to be more frequently affected by this compared to women. Fortunately, there are certain methods and techniques that can be practiced to get rid of this problem. Stuttering most commonly surfaces in childhood and for many people, it disappears as they progress to their adulthood. If you are someone who has not got rid of stuttering after adolescence you can learn some techniques to get over this. You can also seek the help of the…

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If you have seen a kid having an asthma attack you would agree that it is scary and anyone handling the kid needs strong nerves. Besides this, proper knowledge and basic know-how of how to ease such a kid is also essential. A kid having an asthma attack will have breathing difficulty and would gasp for air. Tummy ache may also accompany asthma symptoms. Panic at this moment would do more harm. Your kid is in pain and needs your strong presence and reassurance that he will be fine. What To Do? First and foremost step is to get the…

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Having excruciating pain in teeth and serious discomfort makes you think of what a dentist may recommend as treatment. If you have tooth damage and decay you may be scheduled for a root canal treatment also termed as endodontic therapy. This therapy aims at removing the infected pulp and sealing the hole to prevent further damage and decay. Your dentist can advise you If this treatment suitable for your condition or not. What Are The Symptoms of Root Infection: Most commonly experienced symptom of root infection is a pain. This pain can range from too severe. The intensity of the…

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The food we eat has effects on the entire body. In certain ailments, some foods help to bring a positive change and others need to be avoided. We know that ginger, turmeric, and garlic have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to lessen pain symptoms. Here we are discussing some food items avoiding which can aid patients fighting against join and bone aches. Refined Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners: Sugar tops the list of foods to stay away for people with Bone and Joint pain. It triggers the release of cytokines in the body which is an inflammation-causing agent. Also, excess calories from…

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Acne is a bothersome condition affecting your looks and destabilizing your confidence at times. You would find hundreds of solutions for it from over the counter drugs to strong prescription drugs. Many of these work but natural remedies are still rank as the best because these have no side effects. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes are the ones that will go a long way in cure and avoiding the relapse of acne. Here we are sharing some strategies that can help you attain that acne free skin you long of. Your skin is what you eat. Especially if you have…

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