Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Many people often decide to have their wisdom teeth removed as they cannot bear the pain and discomfort. However, it is a natural process and each one of us has to go through this. But anyone who has had their wisdom teeth come in knows how painful they can be. Well, I’m also one of those people and I must say it is the most painful experience of my life. In the meantime, the pain resolves on its own but in some cases, it needs either home remedies or dental treatment. So, if you are already going through this phase…

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Winters are on its way and all that winter fun too. Peanuts, hot chocolate, black coffee, hot n sour soup, late night movie sessions, long walk in a foggy night and what not. There are a lot more than this that winters offer us. But along with these fun-filled days, there are some concerns too. For example every year we heard about several incidents that take place in winters such as house got a fire due to gas leakage from heaters or gas cylinders. Many people including children get burns and other injuries. However, burns are already one of the…

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If you have high uric acid levels in your body then it can cause various health issues like arthritis. When your body doesn’t get able to expel waste from the body, it raises uric acid levels which further form solid crystals in the joint, called out. To prevent, gout it is very important to maintain good eating habits and proper medications. And of course, at first you need to reduce uric acid levels so here we are mentioning top foods that can help you in regulating high uric acid in the body. 1.Water: Water is the best thing that helps…

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Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or sometimes a little faint is quite a common problem among older adults. It is a range of sensations such as feeling weak or woozy. Although it isn’t usually caused by anything life-threatening, constant dizziness can significantly affect your life. Its treatment depends on its underlying causes. So, for that, you must know these 4 reasons that might cause you dizziness. 1. You’re Dehydrated: You may feel lightheaded or even fainting when you go out in extremely hot weather. Such weather conditions make you lose excess fluids in the form of sweating and cause dehydration. Without enough…

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Watching your favorite player in action can make your day plus if he shows great performance in the field then there would be no other thing better than this. Meanwhile, there’s a lot of effort behind this that your favorite athlete put into to give the desired result through his performance. For example, their diet is the most important thing that plays a great role in their performance. It doesn’t take place after the gym or right before a big event. In fact, an athlete should be conscious of at every meal and every snack. So, if you or someone…

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There are a lot of positive things that lead to the development of a country. But unfortunately, in Pakistani our leadership doesn’t pay any close attention towards such things. As, the government has allocated only a small amount for health care in the budget; in fact, it is almost neglected just like education. However, Karachi is one of the largest cities of Pakistan but there is no check and balance here. Air, pollution, water pollution, and many other factors are contributing to the spread of several diseases in the city and also put the citizen at a risk of catching…

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Although ribs are thin bones, they have an important role in protecting your lungs, heart, and chest cavity. If you fall or experience a blow to the chest, one or more ribs may be fractured, cracked, or bruised. Occasionally, you can end up hurting your ribs by severe coughing as well. Broken or fractured ribs are very painful but as they can’t be easily splinted or supported like other bones, so they are usually left to heal naturally. However, there are several things you can do to help ease the pain and speed up healing. Take Pain Killers: Regularly take…

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Humans have been blessed with 5 senses and each one of these is equally important. We have no idea how blessed we are because we don’t take care of ourselves as much as it required. Only those people can describe the true importance of these senses who are bereaved. Hearing loss is quite common among people and most of the time our negligence is responsible for this. But each type of hearing loss may have several different causes. And such causes must be discovered through examination and technology. Here are different and most common causes of hearing loss: Prolonged Exposure…

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There are many people who are curious to know if sun tanning really safe or not. Well! The answer is “no”. A safe sun tanning is one of the most common myths. However, it does a huge damage to your skin from the sun and it just happens within minutes from exposure to ultraviolet rays. You can always find and consult with the best skin specialist. What Are The Risks Of Sun Tanning? Now, so that you know sun tanning is not safe for you, you must know some details about it too. There are many health risks that are…

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Hair loss has always been seen as an adult’s problem but some hair loss is also normal in children. However, if your child is losing excessive amounts of hair then it’s better to look for the root cause. Children are very sensitive and if they lose significant amounts of hair then they can lose their self-confidence as well. If you want to find and consult with the best dermatologist in Lahore, then visit and book your slot. There are certain conditions that can cause hair loss in children. If your child is also losing his hair then you must…

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