Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

We all want to stay healthy, eat healthy and live healthy. We try our best to opt a healthy lifestyle and when it comes to a healthy diet routine, it’s typical for most of us to incline towards fruit juices. And why not? After all, fruit is good for us and fruit juices are better than carbonated drinks and caffeinated beverages……that’s what you think. Right? But I must say you have to think again and change your mindset because fruit juices are not a healthy alternative. I’m not just saying, in fact, many studies are convincing health experts to reject…

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Osteoarthritis is a common disease which affects the joints in the body; most commonly it affects the knee. In this disease, the joint surfaces which are covered with smooth cartilage become damaged. The damaged cartilage gradually becomes thinner and rougher and this produces pain. There are also some other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, which causes joints replacement because of pain. Physiotherapy, weight reduction, support braces, and exercise are some treatments to relieve the pain but it only helps to control the symptoms of osteoarthritis for the time being. When these treatments fail to provide sufficient relief from pain, a…

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Jaundice itself is not a disease; however, it is a sign of many medical problems and diseases. There are many reasons which can cause jaundice but most often it is associated with conditions of the liver and the gallbladder. Jaundice should be detected in early stages because if it is detected in the later phases then it may become critical. To find and consult with the best hepatologist in Lahore, you can visit Symptoms Of Jaundice: Some of the common symptoms of jaundice are: The yellow color of eyes and skin Intense weakness Nausea Pain near liver and stomach…

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Diabetes is a medical condition when you’re unable to deal and properly manage your glucose levels without intervention. People with type 1 diabetes don’t produce insulin at all. Whereas type 2 diabetes is a condition when your pancreas produces an insufficient amount of insulin or when your body can’t appropriately use the insulin in your framework. Around 90 to 95 percent of individuals diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.  Oral Medications Or Insulin can be utilized to oversee and reduce the side effects of type 2 diabetes. To get an online consultation with the best endocrinologist in Lahore, you…

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We often consider heart as a major organ of the body and surely it is, but there are also other important organs that play a major role in body’s framework. The liver is not something you probably think much about but it is a key player in your body’s digestive system. Everything you eat and drink, including medicines, passes through it. If you really know how to take good care of liver then you’re doing justice with your overall health. And if not then you must treat it right so it can stay healthy and do its job properly. Just…

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The increasing rate of health issues in Pakistan is alarming. Some of these health issues are leading to new kind of diseases while others are most common that has been eradicated from most part of the world but still exist in Pakistan. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan is at 122 out of 199 countries in terms of healthcare standard. High population, unfavorable climatic conditions, and lack of educational and economic development are responsible for putting Pakistani citizens in an unhealthy environment. Authorities and citizens are putting their joint efforts to make Pakistan a healthy and safe country.…

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Pain has the ability to teach one about human limits or more precisely one’s own self-control, strength, and resistance of risk. Agony, particularly chronic pain, challenges our capacity to behave in a reasonable and steady way when undermined by harm. Pain is the most common reason that people see a physician. However, some patients report living with interminable and chronic pain to cover up their physical health. Individuals with chronic pain normally present to pain clinics with different and overlapping issues, for example, depression, tension, isolation, rest issue, sleep disorder, anxiety, disability, relationship trouble, social part misfortune, segregation, and a…

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Cancer is itself is a terrible and haunting word. The health condition that relates to this word is extremely deadly and challenging as well. God forbids every one of us to hear this word at any stage of our lives. The fear of this disease is understandable but still, it is important to know everything about it because Awareness is a key to overcome any disease. You might have no idea but there are more than 100 kinds of cancer. One of them is intestinal cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment can help you to survive cancer and for this, you…

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Infertility is a medical condition which is becoming most common among couples. It affects approximately one out of every six couples. A couple gets to know about the infertility diagnosis when they have been unsuccessful in efforts to conceive over the course of one full year. When the causes of infertility exist and diagnose within the female partner, it is referred to as female infertility. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world. Despite being the most populated country, infertility has become a rising issue in Pakistani women. In some cases fertility causes can exist in male too…

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“If you have Vitiligo, you are part of the 1% of the world’s population who are affected by this auto-immune disease. You are Unique and Unique is beautiful” We celebrate different days on different dates. However, some of them are celebrated to raise awareness. Just like them, June 25th is world Vitiligo day. On this day millions of people across the world come together to increase awareness of Vitiligo, fight discrimination, and raise funds for research, support, and education. When I was asked to write a blog on vitiligo, it was felt like a bird is going to be free…

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