Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Bedwetting is one of the most common problems among infants and children. It’s a process of unknowingly passing urine while sleeping that occurs due to inability in children to control urination during sleep. This problem arises because of a small urinary bladder, excessive urine production, urinary tract infection, delayed bladder maturation, chronic constipation, or a hormonal imbalance. In some cases, bed wetting is an inherited problem while some children are deep sleepers and their brain does not get the signal that their bladder is full and they need to urinate. To find and consult with the best child specialist in…

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Flabby arms are sometimes also called as bat wings. Someone who has flabby arms see this as a major problem area especially women who store more fat in their arms than men. It normally occurs due to hormonal issues or changes. It is obvious that regular exercise and a balanced diet can help to reduce fat from the body. But many of us don’t have an idea about the perfect exercise that can really help us to get rid of flabby arms. Especially, when we are lazy enough to hit the gym and want miracles to happen while staying at…

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Getting the right diet and nutrients is essential to your overall health. Not only it helps to keep the healthy immune system, but it also has a direct effect on maintaining a healthy weight. It is important to include essential nutrients to your diet and if you have serious ailments like hepatitis C, then you must try to add healthy foods on your diet. Everything you eat and drink passes through the liver and a bad diet can lead you to liver problems. Hepatitis C is a chronic liver disease that causes inflammation. So, if you have hepatitis C, you…

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Down syndrome is a genetic condition where a person born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. As a result, the person develops differently than others and this condition limits their cognitive development as well. This disease is quite common in the world and the reason babies are born with an extra chromosome is still not known. However, early interventions are important which can help a person to live a better and quality life. To find and consult with the best pediatrics specialist in Lahore, you can visit In this article I have compiled 5 facts that should be…

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No matter what we say or what we do still there are some people in our life who say things to us that feel really bad. Sometimes we ignore them and sometimes we end up carrying along the feelings we are left with. Most of us take our mental health for granted and keep denying the fact that such feelings can lead us to anxiety and depression. After all, we all are human and words can hurt as badly as physical injury. But it’s a dilemma of our society that we don’t take mental health seriously and such ignorance is…

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Antibiotics are one of the most frequently prescribed and using medications. It cures diseases by killing bacteria and is often work as lifesavers when nothing else works. Antibiotics are one of the great advances in medicines which have saved millions of lives till the date. But unfortunately Antibiotics have Side Effects too and some of them are quite serious to get attention. You can find and consult with the best general practitioner in Lahore through Here are 5 side effects of overusing antibiotics, let’s have a look: 1.Antibiotic Resistance: The overuse of antibiotics or improper use can result in…

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Blood tests are very common and it helps doctors to evaluate certain diseases and medical conditions. Even when you have routine checkups, your doctor may recommend blood tests to see how well your body is working. It also helps to check the function of your organs and the results of ongoing treatments. We understand that blood tests can be done under normal circumstances but apart from this, there are some alarming situations when you need to get a blood test on an immediate basis. To find and consult with the best hematologist in Pakistan, visit 1.Blood Cholesterol Test: Cholesterol…

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Appendicitis and gallbladder both are the conditions in which a person experience severe pain in the abdomen. Both conditions are actually different from each other but people often fail to differentiate between appendicitis and gallbladder attack due to the same level of pain in the abdomen. Sometimes even many expert surgeons also get confused to diagnose the exact cause of the pain. However, there are different treatment methods and symptoms along with the abdominal pain that helps in identifying the exact disease. To find and consult with the best gastroenterologist in Islamabad, you can visit To know the difference…

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Some people live for food and some people eat food for a living. No matter which category you fall your food is going to reach in your stomach. As food provides energy to the body and stomach is responsible for performing food digestion, it is very important to choose the right food to eat that is gentle to the stomach. And if you have stomach ulcer then I must say you have to be extra more careful while choosing your food. Stomach ulcer (also known as a peptic ulcer) is a particular type of sore that gets formed in the…

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An orthopedic surgeon is a medical doctor with broad knowledge and training in the proper diagnosis and treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is a complex system, which includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. All of these is responsible for your mobility and allow you to move, work, and be active. It is unfortunate but anyone can break a bone and in such situations, orthopedic surgeons perform numerous types of surgeries if you do not respond to nonsurgical treatments. You can find and consult with the best orthopedic surgeon in Lahore through…

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