Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

In Pakistan, we face different types of pollution but water pollution is one of the major threats to public health in Pakistan as it ranks at number 80 among 122 nations regarding drinking water quality. Usually, most of the cities are facing this problem but Pakistan’s largest city Karachi is facing this problem on a large scale. It is the most populated city of Pakistan and its 16 million people’s reliance and survival is in great danger. The general public is compelled to drink unhygienic and polluted water. Different waterborne diseases are causing the alarming situation and are responsible for…

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In Pakistan, summer season haunt people as a nightmare. Although we should be happy that we are blessed with four seasons but from past few years, the heat wave is badly affecting all the Pakistanis. So, with the arrival of summer people start getting ready themselves to face extreme heat wave. Where in Pakistan summer means sun, heat wave, and sweating, for some people it means holidays and fun. Even when I was a school going girl summer holidays were my favorite part of the year. I can recall all the summer fun that I had as well as some…

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Snoring is very common but treatable condition. Any person can snore and it is usually not something to worry about. We often think that only a large person with a thick neck snores but that’s not true. In fact, anybody can snore with any type of body. Even a thin person with a small neck can also snore just as loudly. However, it has been seen that as people get older and as they gain more weight, their snoring gets worse. You can always find and consult with the best ENT specialist in Karachi through Common Causes Of Snoring:…

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Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Once it was known as the most dreaded disease with fatal outcomes. But now it is much better understood and treated. Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs but it can also spread to the other parts of the body like brain and spine. In case of any chronic disease, it is important for you to take your medications each day but the right diet can also help speed the treatment and restoring your health at a faster pace. To find and consult with the best pulmonologist in Lahore, visit…

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Good Memory is always a blessing. Do you ever get that feeling that you’re forgetting something? And you don’t even remember what it is. Or do you ever walk into a room to get something but you feel blank because you don’t remember why you’re here? Well! I’m not sure about you but this happens to me a lot. And if you too experienced this and your memory is not as strong as you would like it to be, then you should try these 5 ways to improve it. Yes! These ways are easy and no less than good news…

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Chickenpox is an extremely contagious infection, which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This disease mainly affects the children but adults can get this too. People who haven’t had this disease and who never been vaccinated are at high risk of getting chickenpox. It is a mild disease and doesn’t cause any serious situation but still, it is better to get vaccinated. A vaccine is safe and is very effective to prevent the disease and its possible complications. To find and consult with the best skin specialist in Lahore, you can visit Symptoms: This infection appears 10 to 21…

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Self-medication is the selection and use of the medicines by the individual or family member of the individual to treat self-recognized or self-diagnosed medical condition. In Pakistan, many people are prone to self-medication. They believe it is the best option because going to the doctor is time-consuming and expensive. However, it is not a good option at all; it does more harm than good and it can be risky and dangerous to your health. To find and consult with the best general physician in Lahore, you can visit Here are some dangers and risks of self-medication you probably haven’t…

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Mobile phones are nowadays an important part of modern telecommunication in every person’s life. If only talking about Pakistan then half of the country’s population is using mobile phones and its market value is growing rapidly. Even children are becoming addicted to mobile phones and their parents have no idea how bad it’s affecting their health. However, it is very important for everyone to know about the health hazards, risks, and dangers of using mobile phones before it’s too late. You can also get an online consultation with the best general physician in Islamabad through 1.Cancer: Mobile phones emit…

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There is nothing wrong with desiring to make yourself beautiful. Everyone wants to look good or wants to feel better about them self. But sometimes it’s better to watch out what you wish for. You shouldn’t go far to look perfect and before considering something like cosmetic surgery you should know every detail about it including its hidden dangers. Nowadays cosmetic surgery is on the rise and many people especially women decide on having cosmetic surgery after they’ve seen the result on someone else. However, cosmetic surgery is risky and there some dangers that should be known by everyone. The…

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Kidney stones are a hard deposit of minerals and salts that have crystallized together in the kidney. The risk of kidney stones is 9% for women and 19% for men. Most of the men experience kidney stones after the age of 30. Usually, urine contains fluid that prevents waste products from coming into direct contact with each other. Kidney stones begin to form due to insufficient fluid or too much solid waste products in the urine. You can easily find and consult with the best nephrologists in Islamabad through There are some ways that can help you to prevent…

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