Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

It is quite common to feel tired and low energy after working all day long. Some intense physical activity can also be the reason behind your fatigue. But if you feel tired all the time and even without doing any intense physical activity then, of course, the cause could be some kind of deficiency or disease. However, apart from them, there are often other reasons too that can cause fatigue. You can also find and consult with the best general physician in Lahore through If you are also in a state where you don’t have an idea what makes…

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There are many families who don’t go out for vacations because they have someone in their family with a medical condition. They think it’s not safe for them to travel. And if that person forces them to go without him then they feel dull and incomplete without him throughout their trip. However, travelling with a medical condition doesn’t need to be a burden anymore. By making a bit of planning and a little more preparations you can take the opportunity to visit the world and find all the amazing attractions you love. If you want to find and consult with…

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Not all eye diseases affect the vision but when some of them do then it cause serious irritability in the affected person. At that point, a person realizes how blessed are those who have a clear vision and correct eyesight. Cataract is one of those serious eye problems that result in a decreased vision for those affected. It is mainly a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision and can occur in either or both eyes. Most cataracts are related to aging that’s why it is very common in older people. If you want to find and…

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Whenever someone heard this term “Runner’s knee” they think it is something that is specifically related to the runners or sportsperson. First of all, I would like to clear this confusion, it is not just for runners and also it isn’t really a specific injury. In fact, runner’s knee is a broad term that is used to describe the pain that a person feels if they have one of several knee problems. It is the most common type of knee problem which is professionally called as patellofemoral knee pain. To find and consult with the best orthopedic surgeon in Karachi,…

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Acidity can strike at any time to anyone. And if you’ve ever suffered from acidity then you probably already know exactly what not to eat or drink. This condition makes a person feel uncomfortable with all that gas in the stomach and heartburn. There are many people who even avoid eating foods because they think wrong food can make this problem even worse. That’s true but that’s not the solution, if a wrong food can trigger this problem then there are certain foods that can help to overcome this problem. And fortunately these foods are easily available in your kitchen…

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Male pattern baldness is a common problem for most of the men at their fifties. It is a type of hair thinning or a hair loss that occurs in a pattern. Almost half of the world’s adult male population may experience male pattern baldness by the age of 40. In Pakistan, you don’t need to find a man affected with male pattern baldness because it is quite a common sight in here. To find and consult with the best dermatologist in Lahore, visit There are different causes of this hair loss such as stress, hereditary or poor hair care…

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Almost everyone experiences the annoyance of scratchy and Itchy Throat from time to time. It is very common but not a serious concern. Although it is not something to be worry of but the constant itch in a throat can make you feel extremely irritated especially when you are at work or trying to sleep at night. The itchy and scratchy throat can be caused by a wide variety of factors like food allergies, viral and bacterial infections, medication side effect, or dehydration. You can always find and consult with the best ENT specialist in Lahore through Most of…

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The heart is your body’s most important muscle that needs proper care and attention. Although it is not the only important organ, it’s what keeps you alive. The heart is also one of the important organs that do the hardest working. It works 24/7 and continues to pump with its accurate, steady beat carrying blood to all your body organs. Without a heart your survival is impossible, that’s why it is important for you to keep it healthy with a well-balanced diet and exercise. There are also some amazing facts about your heart that you might not have known but…

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Weather conditions have a great effect on our mood and body. We feel refresh and relax when it’s windy outside whereas we feel irritated and annoyed in extreme and humid weather. However, it is also very important to keep yourself hydrated under hot weather conditions. It will help you to beat the heat and avoid heat-related illness. You can also find and consult with the best nutritionist in Islamabad through Nowadays, in Pakistan, we are facing extreme weather conditions in which we are at high risk of getting dehydrated. So, you must try your best to lower this risk.…

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You wake up in the middle of the night, you attempt to move but your body is not moving an inch. You try to scream but nothing comes out. It may sound like a horror movie scene but it is the real phenomena. You’re experiencing Sleep Paralysis. This is a terrifying and mysterious sleep disorder. It may be the most unsettling experience of your life. Sleep Paralysis is a sentiment being conscious yet unable to move. It happens when a man goes between phases of alertness and rest. Amid these transitions, you might be not able to move or represent…

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