Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Childhood is a period when every child gets overly excited even for little things and it is quite normal. Kids don’t think before doing anything, they don’t bother what the consequences will be and they just simply do whatever they want. It is also normal for children to get fidgety at the dinner table, to occasionally forget their homework, or daydreaming during class but inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness can also be signs of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And in such case, you should consult with the child psychologist. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand and recognize the signs…

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You may have heard a lot of times about internal bleeding. But do you know what exactly is it? Of course, it is bleeding that occurs within your body. It may occur in many areas of the body and may cause major inflammation and pain. If excessive bleeding occurs the person may go into shock. An injury that damages your body from outside usually causes bleeding due to cut or tear in your skin. You can see what hurts to your body from outside but this bleeding isn’t easy to see or diagnose. However, when internal bleeding does occur, it…

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Almonds are quite popular and humankind’s most beloved nuts. It is believed that almonds are capable of increasing brain power, intellectual ability, and longevity. This is the reason why we are advised by our elders to eat almonds daily, especially when we have to go through a tough exam or assessment. They are high in fat that’s why some people avoid eating them but one should never underestimate the power of almonds because they are also highly nutritious and extremely healthy. And I’m not just saying this in fact, there are evidence-based health benefits and culinary uses of these nuts.…

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We have been talked about how we can help ourselves to deal with different mental health issues. We have also learned how to cope with our feelings but sometimes it is not easy to figure out your own mental disturbances. This is the time when that person who is suffering needs help from someone else. If you have a friend, a colleague and a family member who is facing mental health issues then it is your responsibility to help them, because one of the biggest problems concerning mental illness is the lack of guidance. Social anxiety disorder is one of…

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and non-reversible asthma. COPD is quite common and currently incurable disease which is mainly characterized by increasing breathlessness, daily cough, and mucus production. However, with the right diagnosis and proper management of the disease, you can help yourself to breath better. In fact, you can live for many years and enjoy your life. But for this, it is important for you to consult with the best pulmonologist in town. What Are The Symptoms Of COPD? Early symptoms of COPD include occasional shortness of breath,…

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It’s quite normal for almost everyone to feel a little nervous when they are at a great height and look down below but for some people, this event can cause huge panic, dizziness, or nausea. This intense fear of height is called acrophobia. It is one of the most common phobias in the world. Anyone of you who has constant nervousness and intense fear of height may have this phobia and if you are looking for the best psychiatrist in Lahore, then you can visit and book your slot. What Are The Causes Of Acrophobia? The major causes that…

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, which is also the second main cause of death in women, after lung cancer. Cancer occurs when changes called mutations, take place in genes that regulate the cell growth in the body. Breast cancer is cancer that develops in the breasts cells. Usually, in this type the cancer forms in either the lobules or the duct of the breast. While in some cases cancer can also be formed in the fatty tissues or the fibrous connective tissues within the breast. This cancer is the most common cancer in the women but…

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High blood pressure or Hypertension is a common disease which is also known as a silent killer. It is quite dangerous because patients may have no signs and symptoms for many years. And once you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you might get worried about taking medications to manage it. You can now book an online appointment to manage all the problems regarding high blood pressure with the best general physician. This can be very frustrating and anxious for the patients. But don’t worry; there are many ways to control high blood pressure without medications. Some of them I’m listing…

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There are different skin problems that occur intermittently in your life. Some of them are mild while some are severe. Skin cysts and tumor are one of those skin problems that sometimes cause pain. Skin cysts are usually noncancerous and closed capsule that contains fluid, pus, or, gas. Cysts are common that occur within tissue and can affect any part of the body. Skin tumors are abnormal growth of tissue that can be cancerous or harmless. As people get older, skin tumor becomes extremely common and at this stage one really need to consult with the best skin specialist. What…

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Bones are the most important part of your body. They play many roles and provide structure and shape to your body. Bones are responsible for protecting your organs, anchoring muscles, and storing calcium. It is also very important to build strong and healthy bones and for that, you need to give more attention to your bones health. Many people think that bones are already rigid and strong but bone is a living tissue that needs proper care and attention and for this purpose, you can consult with the best orthopedic in Karachi, or in any other city, from Here are 5…

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