Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition in which tears aren’t able to provide enough lubrication for your eyes. It is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient moisture and lubrication on the surface of the eye. If you don’t produce enough tears or you produce poor tear quality that means you are suffering from dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is often called as dry eye disease or simple “dry eye”. If you’re suffering from any eye disease then you can find and consult with the best eye specialist in Pakistan through Symptoms Of Dry Eye: Dry eye…

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We have always been told that it’s good for you to read a different kind of good books. It not only enhances your learning but also increases your knowledge. Now, there are two types of people, one who are book lovers and they can sit anywhere to spare 5 minutes for reading another page of their book. And the second one who thinks reading is quite a boring task. I myself am a book lover and I know there’s no feeling like getting lost in a great book. But I’ve just come to know that this activity is not only…

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It doesn’t matter if you’re in your twenties or fifties, the last thing you want is under eye bags. Although it is usually not a problem that requires medical attention but come-on who would want to get dark circles, puffy eyes and under eye bags. Especially, when eyes play a major role in making your features looks perfect. If you think you need to consult with the best cosmetologist then you can visit, where you can easily book an online appointment. Under eye bags can simply make anyone look older and sick. So, yeah it is something that no one…

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The annual hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca is among the largest gatherings in the world. Each year about 3 million fortunate and blessed Muslims from around the world make the pilgrimage. Being the world’s largest mass gathering, the Hajj raises many health concerns and risks that require your attention and proper planning. The most important concern is the transmission of infectious diseases. So, if you’re planning to join the other three million pilgrims from all over the world in the holy rituals, then consult with the best general physician and discuss your current health condition with him. Moreover, you can also…

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Among other skin problems, dry skin is another common and uncomfortable condition. It isn’t usually serious but if left untreated, it can crack and become infected. There are different causes of dry skin but in most cases, it is caused by environmental factors that remove moisture from the skin. However, this can also happen as a result of frequent bathing, use of harsh soaps, aging or certain medical conditions. Dry skin can affect any part of your body but commonly it affects hands, arms, and legs. Different lifestyle changes and some effective home remedies can help you to get rid…

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Stammering or stuttering is not a disease but just a speech disorder. Approximately 1.5% of the world population is affected by this speech disorder. So, we can say that it is quite a common problem. Stammering occurs when normal speech is interrupted by the repetition or extension of involuntary sounds, words, or syllable. It can range in frequency and intensity from mild to severe. Sometimes this condition can intensify while speaking in front of a group of people or talking on the phone. However, singing or reading can reduce stammering. Who Are Affected With This Speech Disorder? Childhood is a…

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Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein present in red blood cells. It is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body and that’s why it is necessary for each one of you to maintain normal levels of this in your blood. It shouldn’t be increased or decreased from its level for your body to function properly. Because most of the people suffer from low hemoglobin count, in this article we learn about the ways to raise its level. Having a low hemoglobin level can cause weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. If your level of hemoglobin has decreased significantly, consult…

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Anorexia nervosa often simply called anorexia is an eating disorder that can have fatal consequences. It is psychological and potentially life-threatening disorder in which a person is obsessed with body weight, body shape, and food intake. People suffering from this disorder consume the very restrictive amount of food, which leads to starvation. Eventually, they become dangerously thin and malnourished. People with anorexia still perceive themselves as overweight. Even they deny that anything is wrong with them. However, eating disorder like anorexia can take your life and can be extremely difficult to overcome. Signs And Symptoms: The most common signs and…

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A cluster headache is a condition where several painful headaches occur in a pattern over the course of 24 hours. Many people get confused between a cluster headache and migraine. However, both conditions are different from each other. Cluster headaches often begin at night, when you wake up with pain that’s felt behind your eye or one side of your head. It is completely different from all types of other headaches. The pain that cluster headaches make a person feel is very severe; even many doctors have reported patients who committed suicide because of cluster headaches. If you often experience…

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Frozen shoulder is a very familiar term which is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition which is characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Its signs and symptoms usually begin gradually, get worse over the time and then resolve within a period of one to three years. If you are experiencing some sort of stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint then you should consult with the best Orthopedic Surgeon. This condition develops slowly and in three stages (freezing, frozen, and thawing stage) and for some people, the pain worsens at night and even disrupts…

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