Author: Noorul Huda

She Attained a Masters in Zoology from the University of Punjab, She has been an active researcher and learner regarding today's health issues. One of her major interests lies in studying and discovering medical break-throughs and their application in the society. Also, she likes to share her interests via her writings to spread mass-awareness.

Happiness and health are related to each other in such a way that they cannot be disentangled. If you do not have one of them, you cannot have the other. Some people are born with happiness as their natural possession, they do not usually need any reason to be happy. While on the contrary, others look for their reasons to acquire happiness. There are infinite hacks of happiness and most of these are as easy as playing with your pet or conveying a smile to someone! It is a proven fact that a person’s behaviour changes according to what he…

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Your nervous system is the control center of your body. Everything that you do, sense, or think is controlled by the brain and its huge network of nerves. Any harm to the brain or spinal cord, or to the peripheral nerves extending from the spinal cord may result in serious damage to the body. Types of Nerves and Symptoms of Nerve Damage: Your nervous system comprises of three types of nerves. Below are their function and symptoms showed when there is damage to these nerves. 1. Sensory Nerves: These nerves send stimuli from the skin and muscles back to the spinal…

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A crucial part of managing diabetes is getting routine tests and checkups that can pinpoint problems early. This is essential to avoid the development of more serious symptoms as type 2 diabetes is a condition that can affect every part of your body, and it can be a challenge to deal with the risks of diabetic complications. Diagnosed with diabetes and wondering where to start regarding check-ups? Log on to and find the best endocrinologists in Lahore, Karachi or any other city of Pakistan. Book an appointment and get your healthcare needs addressed right away. The following eight tests are important…

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Your heart is a fist-sized organ in your chest, tirelessly doing its incredible work of keeping you alive. It performs its endless work without any external indication to its possessor. So the significance of an active and healthy heart doesn’t need to be questioned. Although you can’t monitor your heart by keeping an eye on its activity, not without specific visual technology, at least – there are some visible signs that indicate something isn’t right with your heart. Hence, it’s necessary to know about these signs before it’s too late to prevent some life-threatening events. 1. The appearance of Frank’s Sign…

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Insulin Resistance (IR) is a disorder of metabolism in which the body cells fail to regulate and store glucose that is released into the bloodstream from our daily diet. This is because the body cells fail to respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas. The function of insulin is to make the cells active to take in the glucose which is then used as fuel whereas the rest is stored by the body. In this disorder, the cells fail to perform the glucose-regulating function properly. When the cells fail to regulate the glucose, the glucose accumulates in the bloodstream causing…

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Strong, healthy nails not just look beautiful but they also indicate that your body is functioning properly. The appearance of your nails can indicate a lot more than you usually expect. It is important that you pay attention to how your nails look, either they are discoloured or appear cracked, split, or brittle because these signs can indicate an infection or a heart, liver, or lung disease. Read on to know more how changes in the appearance of nails might indicate your health status. Discolouration of Nails: Healthy nails are slightly pink with pinkish-white base (moons). If your nails are…

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The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ found adjacent to the liver. Its function is to store and concentrate bile, a digestive liquid produced by the liver. Bile helps in the breakdown of food, particularly fats. When you consume fat, the gallbladder contracts to release bile into the small intestine to aid digestion. Cholecystectomy: It is the surgical removal of gallbladder due to a complication, the most common being the presence of gallstones (cholelithiasis) in the gallbladder. To find and consult with the best surgeons in Karachi, Lahore or other main cities of Pakistan visit Usually, gallstones don’t cause…

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Babies experience a rapid growth phase in their first year as well as into their toddler years. Being concerned about the growth and development of your baby is a natural part of parenthood. Visits to the pediatrician will help you in evaluating your infant’s growth. To book an appointment with the best pediatrician in Karachi, Lahore or other main cities of Pakistan visit Comparing your baby’s vital statistics to growth and milestone charts is an effective way to calculate the developmental progress of your baby. 1. Checking your Baby’s Weight: A steady increase in weight indicates that the baby…

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Spring is one of the most likable seasons because of the freshness and colors it brings. But for people who are allergic to pollen, spring might prove to be a real pain. Spring Allergy: Spring allergy, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, is caused when a person’s immune system reacts to the pollen grains of the plants when they are dispersed. Pollen is a very fine powder that trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds produce in order to fertilize other plants of the same species. In people with pollen allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies the harmless pollen as…

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Since primary school, we know well what vitamin D is and why do we need it? But the function of Vitamin D is not only limited to healthy bones, in fact, recent studies have shown that vitamin D also plays a significant role in the prevention of long-term diseases. 1. Osteoporosis: Vitamin D is well-known for its role in bone health. It helps the body to absorb calcium and integrate it to increase bone density. A lack of vitamin D leads to weak bones in people suffering from osteoporosis. Severe deficiency of vitamin D causes Rickets in children and osteomalacia…

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