Author: Maryam Azhar

Maryam is a Nutritionist who firmly believes in the power of words. With her advanced knowledge, she hopes to spread awareness regarding nutrition and health among the masses.

According to the Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center, Gigantism is a rare hormonal condition characterized by abnormally high amounts of growth hormone in childhood and adolescence. This disorder is quite rare, meaning only a few people have been affected by it to date. Therefore, not many people are aware of the condition. So, here is a gigantism 101 article explaining the cause, symptoms, treatment, and popular people who have this condition. Symptoms of Gigantism Some of the signs and symptoms of gigantism include: Taller than average height for age Prominent facial features Large hands and feet Carpal tunnel syndrome…

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Have you been trying to lose for a long time and have tried several remedies, but nothing has worked? You are not alone. Many of us attempt to lose weight on our own and don’t get the results we hope to see. In this case, only a Nutritionist can help you! Consulting with a diet professional can be quite expensive but not with Marham because it brings you the chance to get a weight loss diet plan in just 100 PKR. How Can Losing Weight be as Low as Rs 100? In these expensive times, Marham has provided its users…

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Cavities are common and are usually seen in people with sweet tooth making them the most common dental issue. Cavities can be prevented most effectively by stopping them from occurring in the first place. But, what to do after you have them? Don’t worry. There are natural cavity fighters that can help heal existing cavities and prevent the formation of new ones at the same time. Let’s have a look at the seven natural cavity fighters in this dental health blog. Symptoms of Cavities Some symptoms of cavities that can help you in identifying if you have one are given…

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Despite their small size, baby teeth are extremely important. They serve as substitutes for adult teeth. If your child does not have a good set of baby teeth, they will have difficulty chewing, smiling, and speaking effectively. Let’s talk about the best tips for how to take care of milk teeth in this blog. Symptoms of Teething When a baby’s teeth emerge from the gums, it is called teething. It typically occurs between the ages of 6 and 24 months. Your baby may show these signs when teething: irritability tender and swollen gums Placing objects or fingers into the mouth…

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Malook fruits are plums (Alo Bukhara) that have been dried naturally in the sun without being fermented. Like all other dry fruits, malook fruit benefits are also great for your health. Let’s have a look at some of the amazing benefits of prunes or malook fruit. What is Malook Fruit? Malook fruit is known as prunes in English. As mentioned above, it is the dehydrated form of plums or alo Bukhara. Prunes or malook fruit are chewy and sweet, which is why they are liked by many people. It provides numerous health benefits for your gastrointestinal health, bones, immune response…

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No doubt winter can be pretty damaging to one’s hair. In winter, many people face hair problems like excessive hair fall, damage, and dandruff. Cold, dry air, severe weather, and all that comes with it can dehydrate your hair and make it more prone to breaking than in the warmer months. So, how to take care of hair in winter naturally? Let’s have a look at the 15 easy ways to control winter hair damage. Hair damage and loss can also be caused due to stress, extreme weight loss, dieting, and hormonal imbalances. To get the best advice about your…

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People with dry skin type fear the winter season more than anything because it brings dandruff, flaky skin, and rashes for them. If you are someone with this skin type, you would want to know how to moisturize dry skin in winter. We have listed the 20 tips to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized in this article, so keep reading. Symptoms of Dry Skin According to the American Skin Association, dry skin or xerosis is a prevalent skin problem that affects people of all ages. It is usually not a significant problem, although it might be difficult to treat…

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Has your Rishta been recently rejected by people because of your complexion, body, or looks? And all you can feel is sorrow or depression, and you don’t feel confident enough anymore? Rishta rejection can hurt, but don’t worry about it because you’ll be reading all the useful and healthy ways to overcome these sentiments in this blog. Rejection is a Part of Life Rejection is an inevitable aspect of life. It happens to everyone at some point, whether it’s during a school dance competition, a job interview, or a potential Rishta meeting. Though, nobody promised it would be simple. It…

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Treating children with Down Syndrome is a combination of different therapies, love, and care. Even though there is no cure for this condition, children with down syndrome can live happy and healthy lives with proper care and attention. Let’s talk about this condition in detail and learn valuable methods for treating children with down syndrome. What is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome occurs when a child is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. Physical, as well as intellectual difficulties, can occur in people with Down syndrome, and each child born with this condition is unique. As a woman gets…

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Most of you will agree that winter is a mixture of busy and exciting, as well as chilly and depressing. As December progresses and the temperature keeps dropping, you might have started to notice some common problems the winter brings. There is a range of problems people face during the winters, so let’s talk about coping with your winter body issues in this article. 5 Common Problems in Winter and Their Solutions Coping with your winter body issues is a hard job. Therefore, we have listed the five most common problems that occur during the winter with solutions: Seasonal Affective…

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