Author: Maryam Azhar

Maryam is a Nutritionist who firmly believes in the power of words. With her advanced knowledge, she hopes to spread awareness regarding nutrition and health among the masses.

On Sunday, Punjab had the greatest number of dengue fever cases in a single day this year, with 385 new patients documented in the state in the previous 24 hours. Of these 385, Lahore has 186 new dengue patients. According to Irshad Ahmed, Secretary of the Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department (P&SHD), 152 new dengue cases were detected in Punjab on Monday. He stated that 3,437 dengue virus cases have been registered so far this year, with four individuals dying as a result of the illness. The situation is worse in the three most populated divisions’ urban centers, Lahore,…

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Tinnitus is when you hear ringing sounds in your ears. It affects millions of people worldwide, especially in old age. Tinnitus can be extremely irritating and intervene in daily tasks. Here is everything you should know about this condition starting from what it is to how long does tinnitus last. What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus causes your brain to be filled with sounds that no one else can hear, such as ringing, whistling, clicking, and roaring. It can be sounds that are so mild that you don’t detect them or so loud that they drown out other sounds. According to Global…

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Hip pain is quite common in adults and the elderly and there can be several reasons for it. A lot of people complain of ‘hip pain sleeping on the side’. If you also have this problem then this health blog can be useful for you. Check out all the possible causes, symptoms, and treatments to relieve hip pain while sleeping on the side. Causes of Hip Pain Sleeping on the Side: According to Spine Healthcare, there can be many causes of hip pain at night. Some of them are: Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your back or on a very hard…

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Black lines on teeth are a cause of concern for many people. They may occur due to poor oral hygiene, smoking, drinking excess tea, or coffee, and some other reasons. So, how do you remove black lines on teeth at home naturally? Check out everything you need to know about black lines on teeth that aren’t cavities and whether is there a way to remove them in this health blog. Causes of Black Lines on Teeth: According to research, the following are some direct sources of staining on teeth: consuming a dark food product on a regular basis, such as…

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Drink carrot juice every day, and stay healthy every way. Carrot juice is a miracle booster for a fresh and healthy start to the day. It is one of the most overlooked juices yet it has a lot of surprising health benefits. You should ask Bugs Bunny about the importance of carrot juice. Well, you can get to know everything about carrot juice if you read this blog from top to bottom attentively. According to scientific research,” Carrot juice possesses nutritional and health benefits due to the presence of flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, polyacetylenes, and minerals. These ingredients act as antioxidants,…

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On Monday, 19 September twelve more flood victims passed away due to gastro and malaria in different locations of Dadu and Kandhkot-Kashmore districts. According to the authorities, 7600 gastro patients were admitted to local hospitals in the previous month. They said that ten of the twelve people killed were minors. At least six people died of gastroenteritis on September 18 at a flood relief camp in Khairpur district, including five children. In Garhi Khairo, a patient with gastroenteritis died as a result of the flooding. It should be noted that during the flood disaster, the majority of the physicians at…

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Hey, doctor. Here’s the blood report and the platelet count is very low. What are these and why? Are they low? Is there anything to worry about? These kinds of questions are common in every hospital when you visit the doctor with your blood report. The number of dengue cases has been increasing in different cities in Pakistan. But what is the permanent solution? Do we have alternatives to control the outbreak of dengue and increase the count of platelets? Every problem has a solution, and the solution is to eat food to increase platelet count. So, Why are platelets…

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It is essential to figure out whether yogurt is good or bad for constipation. There is a big mistaken belief that yogurt is one of the main causes of constipation, while the opposite is true: that it is a natural remedy for constipation. It would help if you weren’t on your guard. There is some confusion regarding the use of yogurt in the treatment of both constipation and diarrhea. Is Yogurt Good for Constipation? Yogurt helps with constipation by helping to restore the normal bacterial flora in the intestines. Also, yogurt helps improve bowel movements and advances stomach health in…

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Malaria is on the rise after the recent flood and heavy rains in Pakistan. Many people are getting affected every day both in urban and rural areas of the country. A healthy diet can help in faster recovery from malaria and prevent its complications. Check out the five best fruits for malaria patients that can promote healing and lead to a quicker recovery from this disease in this health blog. Which fruit is Good for Malaria Patient Fruits contain important vitamins and minerals like vitamins C, A, E, and several antioxidants. Most of them are considered functional foods which indicates…

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In the last 24 hours, gastro has taken the lives of six people in Khairpur district flood relief camps. This also included five children. According to the Taluka Hospital Garhi Khairo, the number of dead people due to infectious diseases has reached seven. Two children, Asifa, 8, and Wakeela, 2, died of gastro in Khairpur’s Kotdiji taluka. An unnamed three-year-old girl died in Thari Mirwah, while two children and a mother perished in flood shelters in the district’s Faiz Ganj and Nara talukas. Many water and vector-borne ailments have surfaced in relief camps set up for flood-ravaged Sindh people, according…

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