Author: Maryam Azhar

Maryam is a Nutritionist who firmly believes in the power of words. With her advanced knowledge, she hopes to spread awareness regarding nutrition and health among the masses.

The desire for larger breasts is common among women, and while surgery is available, it carries risks and costs. Thankfully, natural methods can help increase breast size within a week. By leading a healthy lifestyle, consuming a nutritious diet, performing targeted exercises, and selecting the right bra, you can effectively enhance your breast size in just 7 days, all from the comfort of your home. Highlights:  Getting a bigger breast naturally at home is possible with a few simple steps. Breast massages are an effective way to increase breast size and help to maintain firmness. Consuming certain foods can help…

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Along with the heart, lungs, and liver, our kidneys are one of the most important parts of our body. According to research, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease is around 21.2% among Pakistani adults. With such a high prevalence, you must know the signs of kidney failure to start treatment as soon as possible. Highlights: The prevalence of chronic kidney disease among Pakistani adults is approx. 21.2%. Swollen eyes, hands, feet, and abdomen, bloody urine, and sleep problems may indicate kidney failure. Dialysis and kidney transplants are the only options to treat kidney failure. Kidney failure is a condition in…

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Four cough syrups have been connected to the deaths of 66 children in The Gambia, the WHO warns. The syrups “may have caused acute renal damage and 66 child deaths,” it stated. Maiden Pharmaceuticals, an Indian business, failed to give safety guarantees, the WHO said. The company hasn’t commented. BBC has contacted Maiden Pharmaceuticals. Indian officials have requested WHO for evidence linking the syrups to deaths. Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup, and Magrip N Cold Syrup were affected. The four goods were found in The Gambia but “may have been spread through informal markets…

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Which fruit keeps the doctor away? Pineapple, Banana, Apricot, Watermelon? Ugh, so many wrong answers. Wait, “An apple keeps the doctor away”- is a famous proverb and the right answer. The game ends here but this article aims to highlight the essential contribution of apples to our daily intake of fibers, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. Based on current scientific criteria, apples can indeed help to keep disease at bay. Apples are consumed frequently in many countries, and apples and their constituents have been investigated in a series of studies for their potential health benefits.  Keep Nutritional Value in Your Mind According…

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According to sources, the number of cases of water-borne diseases like malaria is drastically rising in the flood-affected districts of Balochistan. 3,131 cases of malaria have reportedly been reported in five flood-affected Balochistan districts, including Suhbatpur, Jaffarabad, Nasirabad, Jhal Magsi, and Dera Bugti. As per the data, 37,224 instances of malaria have been reported in the aforementioned Balochistan regions during the course of the last 14 days. In the province, the current positive rate for vector-borne illness is 49 percent. In Balochistan, out of a total of 37,224 cases, there are 6,237 cases involving children under the age of five…

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One-hour gym, Intense fasting, Exercise, and still no weight loss. You must change your direction and try a wide range of dry fruits that awaits you in the weight loss journey. Dry fruits can be a go-to snack option if you read the hidden benefits of dry fruits in weight loss. Most people who want to lose weight avoid dry fruits because they think they interfere with the fat-burning process. But everything you see is not reality. The amazing part is that some dry fruits give people desirable results, easing weight loss plans. And in addition to reducing fat naturally,…

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Dr. Aisha Ghous Pasha, Minister of State for Finance and Revenue, stated on Thursday that 600,000 pregnant women in flood-affected areas lack maternal health care and have no secure location to give birth. She further stated that more than 5 million children do not have access to immunizations or nutritional support, and she advised that Pakistan accelerate efforts to restore reproductive health services for women and children. According to government data, 19 million of the 31 million individuals living in seriously damaged areas are impoverished. Reports say that children are living in temporary shelters or out in the open with…

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The people of Pakistan are in a state of devastation since there are limited resources to handle flood victims and an ongoing medicine shortage is making this situation worse. The country is facing the worst flood in its history that has displaced more than 33 million people according to data and has caused an outbreak of water-borne diseases. Dengue fever has expanded to at least 25 districts in Punjab, with 373 additional persons testing positive for the virus in the state in the previous 24 hours, bringing the total number of such cases documented this year to 5,413. Panadol, Calpol,…

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Vector-borne diseases claimed three lives on Tuesday, exposing the government’s inability to implement effective preventative measures to limit dengue and malaria outbreaks in Sindh. The province has registered a total of 7,452 dengue cases so far in September. The two deaths from malaria are the first documented in Sindh from the water-borne infection. A lady died of dengue in Karachi, while two men died of malaria in Sukkur just a few days after being diagnosed. Following the new deaths, a total of 33 people have died this year in Karachi alone as a result of dengue. In the lack of…

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Grapefruit is a superfood rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for our health. It is a citrus fruit that helps boost immunity, fight deadly diseases and infections, and improve overall well-being.  Highlights Grapefruit contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and many essential constituents that help in the prevention of heart and infectious diseases. This citrus fruit is low in calories so it is safe for diabetics and also assists in managing weight. Grapefruit can be eaten as such or made into salads or smoothies to include it in the diet. Nutritional Value of Grapefruit: Grapefruit is a great…

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