Author: Javeria Adil Chughtai

A journalist and a medical researcher by profession, badminton player and photographer by passion. You can call me an artist but No, I can't draw you! :D

Already being in the fear of COVID19, things hit us hard even if they are not that serious. We were not even three months into coronavirus when we started hearing about a new potential pandemic named as hantavirus. People panicked, as no one was ready to face two pandemics at one time. It is good to know that those speculations were not true and it hasn’t become a concern. But the issue is, in pandemics, there is a lot of misleading information that upset people more than the actual issue. Similarly, the news of bubonic plague is now circulating and…

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This year by far has been a mess for us all. From disturbed social life, mental health and to upset sleep cycles. Things are out of place. Unacceptable, isn’t it?. Many people have fallen prey to sleeping pills and other drugs because life is chaotic and restless. The natural pattern of waking during the day and sleeping at nighttime is forgone. What is the reason and why it happens, the reason is not only COVID19, it is also melatonin. Melatonin is associated with sleep. In short, melatonin is directly the culprit of our upset sleep. Here’s how. What Exactly Is…

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In the times now, all we want is to get a COVID19 vaccine as soon as possible. So, we can go out, meet our people, have get togethers and also attend as many concerts and events we can. We are out here enjoying and also demanding to get a vaccine but little do we know how hard the scientists and doctors are trying to get us a cure. Similarly, as there are trials going on around the world, a British pharma company has announced that we might get a vaccine around September!. Here are the details Why Are We Hearing…

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COVID19 pandemic has left the entire world nervous. Doctors are still trying to fully understand it. There are many known unknowns remain to be explored. Making a decision at this time requires a greater understanding of the enemy the world is facing. Until then, only speculations will surface. However, as the businesses are getting back to normal and people have started functioning almost normally, the question is, was it the end of COVID19 in Pakistan?. According to the highlighted facts below, undoubtedly, the situation is better but who knows what is coming ahead of us. Cases Are Going Down As…

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As the number of recoveries is growing, people are more focused on returning back to their normal active life. Most of them wonder when exactly getting back to physical activity after coronavirus recovery will be okay for them. All of us know that COVID19 recovery comes with a lot of weakness as an after affect. This makes us think about whether we’ll be able to start our exercise again or not?. Of course, because exercise is what will bring you back to normal life, but when exactly to start, here is what you can know. I Have Recovered From COVID19…

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Sitzfleisch is a German word that means “sitting meat” and refers to sitting on your behind and not getting your work done on time. The situation sounds familiar, right?. Let me tell you why it means and sounds the same as what our mothers call us when we are being lazy. Happens to many of us. Similarly, there are many other words that we use for laziness. Whether we call it lethargy, sloth, or idleness. In the end, all these terms simply indicate an unwillingness to work or use energy, despite having the ability to do so. Often, this is…

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Have you also been a victim of ‘Will do it tomorrow’, ‘Maybe next week’, ‘Will finish it soon’?. We often fall prey to laziness and procrastination but deep down, we all know that tomorrow, next week, seldom happens for many. With carrying those personality traits into COVID19 lockdown, some of us have lost almost all encouragement of working. keeping track with work and personal life has become difficult than ever. The motivation to work and creativity has become bleaker. With no evident end in sight for this situation of house arrest, here is how ‘laziness’ has taken over us and…

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In 2020, most of us started by calling it a year of goals but ended up disappointed because 2020 came back, biting us. Halfway through this year and COVID19, many people are already wrestling with COVID19 anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression and many other mental challenges. Happy feelings have turned into heavier burdens in these stress-producing times. Suffering from acute anxiety since a while and when I felt my life falling into place, finally, I wasn’t ready to take a step back. Having no option except working from home, staying away from friends and family and letting go of many other…

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Social Distancing is the most suited tool to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). However, we are unable to see everyone on the same page when the question of maintaining distance while the pandemic rises. Countless young adults are trying to convey these details to their ageing parents and grandparents who are still going about their social routines as they normally do. All of this despite the fact they are one of the groups at common risk of complications. What possibly can we do to get them to follow the proper precautionary measures? How can we get others to…

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Saving a life is a big job, sitting back at home safely we find this thought quite useless that how actually we’re going to save a life. Saving a life while staying at home is not as difficult as we think and if you are wondering how exactly, have you tried yet? In the times of COVID19, Marham has by far helped thousands of people across the country and even outside the country as well. Marham’s app and online consultations come in handy in various ways. Do you want to know how? keep scrolling! In An Emergency If you…

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