Author: Hammad Abid

Hammad Abid is an insanely creative content marketing strategist. As a digital marketer, Hammad has published content over the years that has grabbed the attention of many bloggers and influencers.

It’s 1 am and the baby starts crying nonstop! There is no way to find a doctor. But you may have gripe water in your fridge to soothe the baby and relieve the discomfort the baby is experiencing. Babies can cry for a number of reasons. Though, one common or frequent cause of crying in babies is colic. According to reported data, “Gripe water is an over-the-counter herbal supplement available in liquid form and available everywhere from pharmacies to health food stores. Many brands market it to new parents as a remedy to relieve baby gas and colic, as well…

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Filters are great but naturally glowing skin is the greatest. If you are making a skincare regime for your face, don’t forget to add the super moist and universally loved Rosehip oil for your face. Rosehip oil is brimming with all the essential attributes a skincare product needs. Its super moist and quick absorption by the skin makes it a sensation in the skincare industry. Rosehip oil is cold pressed from small orange-reddish fruit which sometimes turns purplish-black, Rosa canina L. species, commonly in Chile and Lesotho. Rosehip oil has made its place in face cleansers, body lotions, and serums…

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Boost your health benefits of lemon and cucumber water today! Bonus: it’s quite easy to make. Adding lemons and cucumbers to your drinking water is an easy, quick, and affordable way to not only drink more water regularly but also keep your overall body system healthy.  Benefits of cucumber and lemon water benefits If you are still in doubt, here are 7 reasons you should start drinking lemon and cucumber juice daily. Helps in Hydration: According to a 2020 study, “Drinking lemon and cucumber juice every day helps the body stay hydrated throughout the day.” Drinking lemon and cucumber juice can…

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To boost the sexual experience, bananas have been one of those effective fruits that increase sexual hormones and improve libido. There are many reasons men lose libido, and simple factors such as fatigue, stress, depression, certain medications (antidepressants and high blood pressure medications), excessive alcohol consumption, illegal drug use, and low testosterone levels cannot make you perform sexually well in bed. Here, what do you need to do? Eating bananas will be the ultimate option for a sexual booster. According to reported research, “Potassium, a key nutrient in bananas, helps to stimulate the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone,…

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ISLAMABAD: According to ARY News, citing the district health officer, the number of dengue cases in Islamabad has decreased due to the recent weather shift. According to the District Health Office of Islamabad, 44 cases of dengue fever have been diagnosed in the country’s capital. Furthermore, the DHO reported 2,552 dengue cases and 6 deaths in the nation’s capital. In Karachi, Pakistan, 246 new cases of dengue fever have been reported. Book your Dengue NS1 Antigen Test Online At least 246 new cases of dengue fever have been reported in Karachi in the last day. According to provincial health department…

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Banana is an affordable and easy-to-eat fruit available year-round. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, and magnesium. You can consume this healthy fruit for breakfast or drink a banana milkshake as an evening snack, but the best time to eat bananas is anytime during the day except on an empty stomach. Highlights Bananas can be eaten for breakfast with other foods to boost your energy levels or eaten before bed to aid sleep. Ripe bananas are full of nutrients like potassium. Magnesium and fiber make them easy to digest. Unripe bananas can cause digestive issues due to high…

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Pomegranates and oranges have caught all the attention as fruity tasty fruits, but you always ignore the persimmon in your shopping cart. That’s not fair! There are multiple health benefits of persimmons. Persimmons are small, flat tomato-shaped orange or reddish-brown fruits. They are known for their sweet and textured taste. Persimmons usually come in two varieties: According to conducted research, astringent and non-astringent varieties. Astringent is high in phytochemicals known as tannins. They tend to give the immature fruit a bitter and dry taste. Before eating, you need to wait until the astringent persimmon ripens. On the other hand, the…

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There has been an increase in the number of dengue cases recorded in the city of Islamabad, which is the federal capital of Pakistan. In the past 24 hours, there have been 68 new infections reported in the city. The District Health Officer of Islamabad said that there were 68 new dengue cases reported in the city the previous day, bringing the total number of dengue illnesses reported throughout this season to 1,991. Book your Dengue NS1 Antigen Test Online This year, the Dengue Health Office reports that the disease has claimed the lives of six persons. In the past…

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402 new cases of dengue fever in Sindh, 297 of them were only reported in Karachi alone. The death toll has increased to 30 in the private sector of Karachi’s hospitals which includes Karachi Central, Karachi East, Karachi South, Malir, Korangi, and Karachi East. KARACHI- According to the most recent data, Sindh had 402 newly reported dengue cases, with 297 of those cases being documented in the Karachi division alone. Currently, any vaccine for the dengue virus hasn’t been invented. The only thing Government can do is spray the anti-dengue sprays in the affected areas to kill the dengue mosquitoes.…

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“Do You Masturbate Every day? You will lose your eyesight.” You have probably heard this statement all the time when you are growing up. But this is a myth. There is no evidence behind this reasoning. Everybody wants to know the answer to this burning question around the globe “Does Masturbation Really Affect Your Eyesight?” Let’s figure out the actual reasons. Medically Speaking, the Old superstition about masturbating making you blind is not based on any medical or clinical evidence. According to the report, “it has been stated that you should not masturbate as semen is an essential oil for…

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