Author: Fahad Salman

An activist by heart, I pursue to push things forward by my honest written expressions. I write content for Pakistan’s most trusted patient's network – MARHAM, to lighten up lives by writing on burning health issues. I want to be remembered as an infinite learner and a real contributor.

In Pakistan, every 1 in 3 women cannot become pregnant because of a hormonal disorder called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It is a condition related to the hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age and is characterized by high levels of androgens (male hormones) in the body. This is a disease that has become increasingly common in Pakistan and women do not know how to deal with it. PCOS leads to problems like changes in the menstrual cycle, cysts on the ovaries and problems getting pregnant. The exact cause of PCOS is still unknown however genetics is considered to be an important…

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Everyone wants to be healthy, but do we know what it takes to be healthy? Health is the biggest blessing one can have but sadly we consider it a luxury rather than a necessity. In order to be happy and successful in our lives, we need to be healthy and strong. While many of us suffer from ailments every now and then, it is important that we understand what factors can lead us to a healthy life. Sometimes, it might feel like a huge task to take care of your health and body. The speed at which we live our…

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Everyone needs a doctor, right? But do we know how to access a doctor when any of your family member is suffering from a health problem? Or do you even know for yourself that we are you gonna do in case you suffer from any ailment? Healthcare is a basic necessity but the ground reality in Pakistan is very disturbing as people do not know how to access and reach a qualified doctor for proper treatment. The inaccessibility of patients to right doctors results in improper treatments, the consequences of which are appalling. Being a healthcare solution, Marham has catered…

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It’s that time of the year again. Lahore is yet again facing the nasty and hazy smog. The thick pollutant smog covers the skies of Lahore resulting in an obstructed view whenever you drive or walk on the road. It one way or another disrupts the life and terribly halts the quality of life as citizens. We start seeing a rise in ailments because of this smog and people getting exposed to chronic infections. Lahore which is Pakistan’s second largest city and home to more than 10 million people, experiences sudden high levels of pollution and poor air quality every…

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Depression has been rising in Pakistan at an alarming rate and has become one of the most common ailments in our society. According to a report published in Tribune, depression affects 44% of the entire population in Pakistan. It is being estimated that by 2020, it will be one of the leading causes of death and disability. Pakistan ranks 7th among the most depressed countries in the world. In our society, there are so many people who are silently suffering from depression and they need help. A very important aspect that we need to understand regarding depression is that unlike there…

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Depression has been alarmingly rising in Pakistan and has become one of the most common ailments in our society. It is being estimated that by 2020, it will be one of the leading causes of death and disability. The rapid advancements have a lead to a rise in distress and restlessness which leaves us at the verge of a mentally distraught society. Pakistan ranks 7th among the most depressed countries in the world. It is high time we focus on fighting depression and finding ways that can help reduce this condition. If you’re suffering from depression or any such ailment, you…

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اگر آپ کو اپنے بچے کی جلد اور آنکھیں زرد محسوس ہوں تو یہ آپ کے لیے پریشان کن ہو سکتا ہے۔ لیکن یرقان کی یہ علامات بچوں میں اور خاص طور پر نوزائیدہ بچوں میں عام ہیں۔ بعض اوقات یہ اپنے آپ ٹھیک ہو جاتا ہے لیکن کچھ صورتوں میں اس کا علاج کروانا ضروری ہو جاتا ہے۔ یرقان اور بچوں کی دیگر بیماریوں کی صورت میں بچوں کے امراض کے ماہر ڈاکٹر سے رابطے اور مشورے کے لیے مرہم ویب سائٹ کا استعمال کریں۔ ساٹھ فیصد بچے اس بیماری سے متاثر ہوتے ہیں۔ یرقان کیوں ہوتا ہے؟ ۔…

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The Government of Punjab has decided to remove Dr. Umar Saif as the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) Chairman. Breaking this huge news on Facebook, Dr. Umar Saif said that “All good things must come to an end. It was a privilege to serve this country for 7 years.” Dr. Umar Saif is regarded as one of the main forces behind the IT ecosystem in Pakistan. He was appointed as the chairman of the Punjab Information Technology Board back in November 2011 and so far is the key figure behind the rise of IT projects in the province of Punjab.…

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Parents need to know that using antibiotics when they are not the right medicine will not help and may even cause harm to children. Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections and they target bacteria, not viruses. Before prescribing an antibiotic, your child’s doctor will find out if it is the right medicine to treat your child’s infection. 1. My child has a really bad cold. Why won’t the doctor prescribe an antibiotic? Colds are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are used specifically for infections caused by bacteria. In general, most common cold symptoms—such as runny nose, cough, and congestion—are mild…

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Every day, more than 100 million plastic bottles are used worldwide. 90% of the cost of a plastic water bottle is due to its packaging and not because of its quality. In Pakistan, 35% of people do not have access to safe drinking water. Majority of our population uses bottled water because it is considered a safer option. But is the case? It has been found out that bottled water is one of the leading causes of male infertility, cancer, diabetes and even skin diseases. What we reckon to as safe water in lucrative packagings is actually destroying our healths.…

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