Genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI) in sexually active people, yet a very small fraction of people are aware of it. Any person who does recognize and realise it is majority of the times too embarrassed to do something about it. It is similar to how pimples show up on our face, and we try to cover it up with makeup or pop them. Since this infection spreads through sexual contact, the chances of its transmission are pretty high, especially if your partner is not made aware of it. Genital warts are caused by a few specific types of the human papillomaviruses (HPV). These are whitish and flesh-coloured, often with an appearance similar to cauliflowers. 9 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Genital Warts will tell you about what steps you can take in order to prevent genital warts from spreading and developing.
A dermatologist, urologist or gynecologist can diagnose, check and prescribe medication, creams etc. for genital warts. To find and consult the doctors for genital warts in Pakistan, use
Here are nine most commonly asked questions about genital warts and facts you should know.
1. What causes genital warts?
Genital warts are caused by a few types of human papillomaviruses (HPV) that spread through sexual contact. These occur in sexually active people between the ages 17-35, although the time taken by genital warts to appear can vary from person to person. Genital warts are found in both men and women of all ages.
2. Genital warts come and go. What does that mean for you?
Genital warts can appear and disappear at random intervals throughout the affected person’s life. There are many cases of genital warts where you have the infection, but warts disappear after a while. This does not mean that genital warts are completely cured, or that you are rid of the HPV that caused the infection in the first place. The virus still persists in your body in its dormant state waiting for your body’s immune system to weaken before it can attack again.
3. How soon after sexual contact can you get genital warts?
The time for genital warts to appear after sexual contact is reported to be different in all cases. In some people, genital warts can appear as soon as within a month, or take as long as many years. A professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UCLA’s med school said that she has had women, mostly widows, with genital warts who had any sort of sexual relations at least twenty years ago. It also depends on the person’s immune system. If it is strong, active, then the virus will stay dormant and attack when the body’s defense mechanism is weak due to age, disease or other factors.
4. How can you avoid getting genital warts?
Genital warts are contagious and spread through sexual relations. It is important to use protection, either dental dams or condoms. You should also quit smoking, and visit a doctor or clinic to get vaccinated against HPV. If you already have genital warts, then you should try to avoid sexual contacts until genital warts have been treated and healed completely. Maintain proper hygiene by keeping genital areas clean and dry as well as your hands. Keep only one sexual partner at a time.
5. What are the complications of genital warts?
Usually, in most cases, genital warts are not harmful. However, if left untreated and their persistence can cause a number of complications that include:
- Psychological discomfort
- Unpleasant appearance
- Warts can become cancerous and lead to cervical or penal cancer if left untreated.
6. What is the treatment for genital warts?
There is no fixed cure for genital warts. However, there are a lot of treatment options for genital warts depending on a person’s condition. There are multiple topical therapies available for it. There is also electrocautery, laser treatment, gel, creams, and excision for genital warts.
To find and consult the best dermatologists, urologists or gynecologists in Pakistan, use
7. Genital warts vs. common warts, what’s the difference?
There’s a difference between genital warts and common warts. HPV cause all types of warts there are. However, the types of HPV that cause common warts appear only on parts of the body other than the genital areas. Genital warts spread through sexual relations, and common warts spread via physical contact.
8. ‘Genital warts vs. herpes vs. HPV, educate me’!
Human papillomaviruses are the most common type of sexually transmitted infections. HPV causes an infection, and one of the symptoms of HPV is warts, either common warts or genital warts depending on the type of virus that attacked your body. The types of HPV that cause genital warts are less harmful, and there are also some types of HPV that lead to HPV-related cancers.
9. Genital warts and pregnancy, should you be worried?
If you are pregnant and have genital warts, you should not be worried about genital warts affecting your pregnancy. However, you should still see a doctor and do something about it because in some cases, genital warts can be passed onto the baby or lead to several complications such as infections, causing pain during urination, bleeding while delivery etc.
Image by Obsessive Potato.